Morphing Superhero Cowl

I'm looking for a full-head cowl that morphs, primarily so that it can be pulled up to reveal the face. Think of the upside-down kiss in the first Spider-Man movie. No Suit obviously isn't an option for this, and the cowl in the Super Bodysuit isn't really even its own item. I've tried multiple different approaches to this, so before I just start trying to model something myself, does anyone know of a (preferably free) existing product?


  • Just curious, but have you tried hanging the character upside down, adding a dForce modifier to the cowl, and then simulating so that gravity pulls it down? I wonder if that would work...

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,171

    Once again, @joequick came through for me with this Spiderman mask. I had some trouble getting the texture of the mask to match the texture of the Spiderman suit I used, but just the fact that he thought to include the requisite morph (on a freebie, no less) is why he's by far my favorite PA.

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037

    Joequick for the win. :)

    Did he mention getting this updated for Genesis 8 as either a pay for item of a freebie?

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,171

    He didn't mention anything. I just happened to find this while I was looking for Spiderman outfits.

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