RawArt Content CHR vs. raw Figure (What is the difference?)

It never crossed my mind before, but now that I want to restructure my library I stumbled over the fact, that every figure exists twice. ("Figurename CHR" and "raw Figurename"). My google-fu wasn't strong enough to figure that out myself, so what is the difference between those two? Except for the places where those two are placed in the content library, I can't figure it out. 

normally I typed "raw" when I was looking for one of his figures so I never saw the CHR before. Can somebody explain those two types for me?


  • hookflashhookflash Posts: 169

    Did you ever get an answer? I've been wondering this myself, as both files seem to load the same (unless I'm blind:-))

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,533

    There does not appear to be any difference. I compared a couple of the .duf files, and they are identical. Why is it done that way? Convenience, maybe? Better than none at all.

  • gitika1gitika1 Posts: 948

    I wondered as well.

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