"ENTER" Button issue

My "ENTER" Button is .. like... not working... :\

It turns my curser into a crossout sighn instead. Anyone know whats causing this?


  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    I just put in a bug report about this. What's happening with me is that in many dialogs, hitting Enter triggers the Help icon instead. Because the icon isn't over anything (or because of some weird glitch), it shows as a 'No Entry' icon - ie. "Put me over something you want to read about and I'll tell you!"

    If you hit Esc, the icon will disappear and you can click on Accpet, but for now, using the Enter key isn't an option (maybe with some dialogs - I'm still checking)


  • This is apparently a result of chnages in 4.12.0.x - the focus is not on the What's This button. 4.12.1.x will resolve this, see the change long.

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    Ah, good. Thanks for the info, Richard. I'm so used to hitting Enter, I can't break the habit.

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