Where can I find an up to date tutorial for using Keymate?
I have checked out the tutorial links and none of them are what I'm loooking for, as well as the ones I did see are out of date. I want to animate a simple animation with Keymate, not using Aniblocks, just move a node, set keyframe, then move it again and set keyframe etc...
I tried this with Keymate and it wasnt working right, I'd set a keyframe at Frame 0, then move the slider to 30 (1 sec) and close the eyes, set keyframe, then move to 60 (2 sec) and open the eyes, set keyframe. But when I play the animation It would just go from frame 0 (Eyes open) to frame 60 (eyes open)?
I've used 3D Studio max and had no issues with animating figures before, but it seems like overkill in this project. So I am assuming I'm doing something wrong as far as procedure with the keyframes. Is there a tutorial that spells it out step by step for setting a keyframe correctly that is up to date and clearly explained. Something along the lines of Set initial keyframe, move object/node, click "Set keyframe", move slider?
Thank you for any help with an up to date tutorial or help manual link.