HeadShop 11 (MAC) Genesis 3 and 8 Wonky Face Fix
If you're getting this wonky head glitch using HeadShop 11(MAC):
The fix is to go to HeadShop in your Applications, right click it, and click "Show Package Contents." Then Navigate to Contents > Resources > Models > Model > Genesis 2. If you're having a problem with the male model, click on the "Male" folder. If you're having a problem with the female model, click on the "Female" model. Copy the file "headRotater_vectors.txt" and then navigate back to the Gen 3 or Gen 8 folder (whichever you're using). Go into the same gender folder there, find the file within titled "headRotater_vectors.txt" and rename it something, then paste in the "headRotater_vectors.txt" that you copied earlier. Now it should work fine!