Iray GhostLight Kit- Nothing Happens?
I was wondering if anyone else has been having the same problem where I load the Lights from the Iray Ghostlight Kit and nothing happens.
I upload the Lights which creates the black and red checkerboard mat, then no matter what I do- be it clicking on the 1000k material(s) or Daylight materials nothing happens.
I've tried rotating it, uploading other lights to it, nothing. Be it 3DL or Iray, it seems to have no effect. It emits no light with other lights present and it emits no light without other lights present. I uploaded it with the ghost preset and I uploaded it without the ghost preset and still no difference.
Could I be doing something wrong?
I'm a newbie still and rather than rendering my focus is on drawing reference, so I was looking for a simple to use light preset. This one, because it seems like it's meant for architecture as opposed to studio lighting, seemed perfect. I am completely and utterly clueless about lighting so it really wouldn't surprise me if I'm the one doing something wrong!
But I can't figure out where the 'On' switch is hiding!
With the checkerboard showing, make sure the arrow is pointing to where you want the light to shine.
Also, select the ghost light in the scene selection tab, then also in the surfaces tab and then apply materials with it selected.
Just as if you were applying materials to a clothing item.
Also, if you have an HDRI or other light, it could be overpowering your ghost light. Try turning off all other lights, then try the above on the ghost light to make sure it's working.
From the main Ghost Light folder, you have to first select the "Load this before the presets" material. That changes it from the checkerboard material used for positioning the panel to the transparent one that emits light. Then you can apply the presets to that. They are material presets, so you shouldn't have to select the indivdual surfaces like if they were shader presets. just selecting the the ghost light object itself is good enough.
Thank you guys so much for all your help!
But unfortunately it's no dice :( Even with the presets and the checkerboard having dissapeared. I even tried it on 3DL. Go figure!
Do you guys have any alternative reccomendations for a nice simple fill light?
Select the ghost light and try upping the lumens (surfaces --> emission --> lumens). Perhaps the ghost light isn't shedding enough light for you to see a difference?
I use the Ghost Lights in almost every render I do. They absolutely work, we're just trying to figure out what you're missing. :) Maybe some screen shots showing how you're setting up the panel, the surface settings, etc. would help?
They are definitely Iray only though; the failure on a 3Delight render is expected.