Trying to figure out a way to make a bloom effect local to the Jack O'Lanterns
Trying to figure out a way to make a bloom effect local to the Jack O'Lanterns.
You can see my try to use a DAZ Studio primitive sphere with Sickle Yield's God Rays tutorial settings applied for atmospheric effects isn't going to work.
I need to create a lensing effect that blurs what is in the spheres (I think). Any optometrists out there with recommendations?
Helping on Halloween - Local Bloom Attempt.jpg
1920 x 1920 - 2M
Bloom effect or godrays?
Bloom Effect. I had originally thought that the god ray effect, because it can create a hazy, reflective atmosphere would cause an effect like bloom. And maybe it would if I could figure out how to make the haziness strongest near the Jack O''Lantern's eyes, nose, and mouth and dissipates the further it got from them, sort of like the earth's "halo" dissipates in a sort of bloom halo the further you get from earth.
I'm trying a glass shader now on those two spheres and they are making the Jack O'Lanterns look perfectly round and glassy. Maybe I need to use geoshells.
Maybe I need to combine Godrays with a Lensing effect? I'd like to try this without create texture images.
...I'm trying again with geoshell with godrays. scaled it to 110% to make a somewhat big radius for the geoshell on the Jack O'Lantern. According to Sikleyield's technical notes it probably won't work but at least I'll have a geoshell in place to try another technical method.
Yes, that's global. I want to simulate a local bloom filter without compositing.
Came across this product, maybe that works?
Try to set the bloom to the frequency of the light intencity. Also turn down the Firefly filter to match the lumen of the light if you have it set to the default.
That looks promising, thanks!
a) set the bloom to the frequency of the light intensity - So this you mean to change the value that is bloom filter at 2000 default to the highest value of the different photometric / emissive lights intensity values?
b) Firefly filter to match the lumen of the light - so this would be the lumen value of the biggest contributor of light in the render?