White Tiger thanks
I woke up this morning to a nice surprise. An email directed me to a beautiful white tiger and it was FREE to owners of Real Fur DAZ Big Cat2!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes, but YES, I added it to my cart and checked out paying absolutely nothing at all!
A great big {{{hug}}} to Alessandro_AM and Kendall Sears
Thank you!!!
Indeed, thank you everyone for the free white tiger :)
A definite plus one from me for this! Thanks :)
You're welcome folks, I hope you'll enjoy the white tiger!
Hello, I got it finally.
Thank you Alessandro and Kendall!
Yes! Thank you both. It's lovely.
Big thanks from Detroit!
White tiger is amazing.... so's the blue glacial tiger O:)
(couldn't resist)
(btw sorry for low image quality, I had the render very low quality and there's no lights... just a test render...)
Wow, sweetness!! I just bought the Real Fur for Big Cat 2, and White Tiger was still free! A big hearty THANK YOU to Alessandro and Kendall!!
You're welcome. Actually the White Tiger will always be free for Real Fur customers! :)
You're welcome. Actually the White Tiger will always be free for Real Fur customers! :)
Always? Don't get me wrong, I do think it is a great idea. Though, what would happen if one has bought the white tiger, and in a few months or something like that buy the Real Fur? Since the 30 days to return a product has expired at that time, how would those customers be getting the white tiger for free?
Always? Don't get me wrong, I do think it is a great idea. Though, what would happen if one has bought the white tiger, and in a few months or something like that buy the Real Fur? Since the 30 days to return a product has expired at that time, how would those customers be getting the white tiger for free?
The White Tiger is meant to be free for owners of the Real Fur. If ones prefers to buy only the White Tiger, and later on decides to get also the Real Fur... amen to that.
Always? Don't get me wrong, I do think it is a great idea. Though, what would happen if one has bought the white tiger, and in a few months or something like that buy the Real Fur? Since the 30 days to return a product has expired at that time, how would those customers be getting the white tiger for free?
It is the same situation as buying an item that is included in a multi-bundle separately first, then buying the bundle six-months later. We give the option to buy the Real Fur set first and get the WT free, or to buy the WT separately for a smaller cost for those who don't want the other cats. If the buyer waits beyond DAZ's 30 days to buy Real Fur, that's their choice.
Alessandro and I like to provide choices, it is up to the buyer to make the choice that works best for them.
That does sound more like I thought it was meant to be, I honestly just got a tad bit confused about the comment of it Always being free. It was also of personal interest since i did buy the WT when it came out, and I have not bought the Real Fur product since I can't use it yet. Felt it was better to ask now than to wait until some time in the future when I am able to use it :)
Thanks for your answers Alessandro and Kendall !