This is how the mouse cursor disappears

My friend has been trying to post this information but had problems, so this is being done on her behalf.

This is her message as copied.

I am new user of DAZ Studio and every now and then my mouse curser would vanish while using the software.

After searching the forum I see that its just not me. This problem of the curser going missing has been around for quite some time but nobody can explain why it happens.

For a bug to be fixed, the devs need to know how to reproduce it.

I can offer an explaination, I can tell you how to reproduce this bug 100%.

This is how the curser disappears.

Using ANY default Daz studio layout = city limits, hollywood, avatar builder, etc
In the viewport on the right next to the big cube you have 5 viewport tools.
Starting from top to bottom.

• View: Orbit / Rotate / Bank
•View: Pan / Dolly
• View: Dolly Zoom / Focal Zoom

• View: Frame / Aim
• View: Reset

Hover mouse over any of the those 3 top tool icons, orbit, pan, or zoom, when curser icon changes to the double ended arrow icon or the crosshairs icon, hold down left or right mouse button to activate and use that tool.

Now with one mouse button already pressed down go and then press down the other mouse key as well.

That action you did right there is the bug. You are a magician! The curser has now vanished.

By holding both left and right mouse buttons down while using any of those tools connected with those top three icons will cause the mouse curser to disappear.

Actualy the curser is still there but its invisible.
Wave the mouse around and you can see it highlights other buttons and tabs etc.
If you can manage to get the mouse curser into the view port and over to the perspective view tab and click it, then the mouse appears once again.
That is the only action I discovered that brings the mouse curser back, other than restarting Daz Studio

This bug is also present and can be reproduced using the same 3 tools icons in Aux viewport as well.

Please note that when the same tools are selected as "docked view controls" in the viewport options then this bug does not happen

Bug is only when the "cube view controls" are selected in the view options menu which is the default setting anyway.

Hope this info has helped


I have done my job and passed this on for her.

Oh and she is right about the cursor, it has been bugging me for 5 years.


  • You shold report this to Tech Support , though it is of course possible this is a different disappearing cursor trick from the more sporadic one.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    You shold report this to Tech Support , though it is of course possible this is a different disappearing cursor trick from the more sporadic one.

    I think it might be the same. I've long suspected that it was a consequence of acidentally clicking both mouse buttons simulatneously but have never been able to re-create it purposely.

  • This picture she gave me might help people understand the problem by seeing the buttons that are used.

    Also let me explain a personal classic example for me where this problem often happens.

    I always use the pan tool, which is represented by the crosshair icon.(its shown in the pic with the middle red arrow pointing to the pan tool icon)

    Many times while moving around using that pan tool I will also accidently click the right mouse button.

    Once that action has happened the next time i go to move ny mouse i see that i have no mouse cursor.

    That used to drive me crazy.

    She was new to daz and when it happened to her she had the patience to find out what caused this problem and then wanted to report it to the developers.

    Thanks Richard,I will submitt a bug using that link.





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  • It is 100% the known error. Or 1 of them.

    I get this every time I'm using daz because of my sausage fingers. It's so frustrating that I'm seriously considering buying a old 1 button mouse lol.

  • well heck, that's nifty to know, just tried it and can verify it does it in 4.12.


    viluvulu said:

    It is 100% the known error. Or 1 of them.

    I get this every time I'm using daz because of my sausage fingers. It's so frustrating that I'm seriously considering buying a old 1 button mouse lol.

    Try a cheap 'gaming mouse', like this one

    I don't have fat, but long fingers and large hands, and almost all traditional mice are just stupidly uncomfortable to me.

  • onixonix Posts: 282

    So finally a reliable way to reproduce this error. maybe it will be fixed fat last.

    Also until Daz will fix it the solution is to click on the view menu using the invisible cursor and it will reappear.

  • I'll be darned!!! I thought I was the only one. thanki you! ...and it is May3 of 2020 and they STILL haven't fixed it in 4.12. What's the frikken hold up? 


  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,253

    Please tell your friend she is a freekin' genius.


  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    I somehow missed this one months ago when it was posted lol

  • facejetsfacejets Posts: 3

    Happens to me all the time; when I move a slider and don't want the result, I naturally try ESC and the other mouse button to cancel.  I'm finally training myself to just let go, and CRTL-Z it.  Is that the right approach?

    kudos to the bug reproduction recipe

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706
    edited July 2020

    Blender user, hit the other button to try and cancel stuff in DS all the time too lol.......
    the method I am trying to ingrane in my brain is to save like every 10 seconds iteratively, and ctrl z. I have come across some times where ctrl z didn't undo what I just did, but something I did before it. It's really weird sometimes.

    Post edited by TheKD on
  • This just happened to me too (again). This is in DAZ Studio 4.12.1  It's somewhat annoying as I usually finish up having to restart DAZ Studio.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    This just happened to me too (again). This is in DAZ Studio 4.12.1  It's somewhat annoying as I usually finish up having to restart DAZ Studio.


    You don't have to restart  .. sometimes the invisible cursor still highlights items on the screen. If you can wiggle your way around until it highlights the view select button in the viewport, and click "Perspective View", even if it is already selected, the cursor will usually return.


  • Kerya said:

    This just happened to me too (again). This is in DAZ Studio 4.12.1  It's somewhat annoying as I usually finish up having to restart DAZ Studio.


    You don't have to restart  .. sometimes the invisible cursor still highlights items on the screen. If you can wiggle your way around until it highlights the view select button in the viewport, and click "Perspective View", even if it is already selected, the cursor will usually return.

    Okay, I will give that a try next time instead of the restart. I was originally thinking it was a mouse driver problem.  Thank you Kerya.

  • leave a little room around your window... mouse reappears and easier to find menu. 

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  • jbowlerjbowler Posts: 798
    edited October 2020

    With the cube view controls the mouse cursor disappears on the left or right mouse press and only re-appears when the mouse button is released.

    The view rotate/translate/scale operation then happens in response to mouse drags and stops when the mouse is released.  It can't be cancelled; e.g. the "escape" key does nothing while the button is pressed/dragged.  If the view operation is done on a camera view it can be undone, but not on a perspective view.

    However if the *other* mouse button is pressed during the drag it *takes over*.  This is only really obvious with the rotate/orbit tool; a left mouse drag rotates about the focal point of the scene (what the camera is point towards), a right mouse drag rotates about the viewpoint (camera; the camera/view is rotated).  If you start with a left mouse drag, rotating about the focal point then press the right mouse button (so both are pressed) you will observe the camera is now rotating.  It helps to zoom out a long way to see this.

    When both buttons are pressed neither will cause the mouse to reappear when released. The clue to the bug is in the fact that releasing one of the buttons doesn't revert to the other button's rotate operation; the original rotate operation has somehow been lost.  I assume Daz Studio uses Qt actions to implement this and they are very easy to get wrong in this way.

    Post edited by jbowler on
  • jbowlerjbowler Posts: 798

    I reported it as a bug; Request #349725

    If my guess as to the cause is correct it should be trivial to fix.  If nothing else disabling the right-button action in the left-button press action and vice versa should avoid the problem.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited October 2020

    If you check this box, pressing Ctrl will show where the mouse pointer is:


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    Post edited by Taoz on
  • jbowlerjbowler Posts: 798


    jbowler said:

    I reported it as a bug; Request #349725

    If my guess as to the cause is correct it should be trivial to fix.  If nothing else disabling the right-button action in the left-button press action and vice versa should avoid the problem.

    I got this response (and the bug report was deemed "solved"):

    This is a known issue that has been reported to our Developers, I apologize for the inconvenience. Once this is updated, it will be posted in our Change Logs by our Developers.

    Ho ho.  Back in my misbegotten youth I too was a developer, but I don't think I actually achieved the status of Developer because so far as I can tell no one actually thought a problem was solved just because they told me about it, that would have been a real head trip.

  • terzapterzap Posts: 0


    mrposter_140ba86d0b said:


    If you can manage to get the mouse curser into the view port and over to the perspective view tab and click it, then the mouse appears once again....

  • vamokvamok Posts: 242

    ...and in Daz 4.15 it is still happening. Fortunately, selecting the perspective view did indeed bring my cursor back. I have ctrl-click enabled to locate my mouse but never thought to use it during this momentary crisis. Sigh...

  • On many forums, it is considered poor etiquette to necro a two year old thread.

    So I apologize but,  I can't help but notice that this bug is still around ...

    Thanks to this thread I was able to get my cursor back without restarting DAZ Studio

  • starwaster said:

    On many forums, it is considered poor etiquette to necro a two year old thread.

    So I apologize but,  I can't help but notice that this bug is still around ...

    Thanks to this thread I was able to get my cursor back without restarting DAZ Studio

    Still around for me, Jam 2022. Thanks for the temporary solution. Hopefully this is the last time I have to close and restart DS. Normally this happens when I use the view control icons on the top right of each viewport.

  • As noted in the change log, this is resolved in the 4.16.1.x branch - currently Public Build but not General Release.

  • Viewport...  Perspective view... click!

    Sweet!  Thanks man!!  You saved the day!  All I could think to do before, was to restart the e viewer.

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