Motion Blur when not selected? FIXED

Hello all
Seems the problem was having motion blur selected in "Filters" in the Assemble room. This also caused the 1st 4 frames to be black.
I have just rendered a 4 Sec PNG SEQ and it appears to have motion blur. Oubjects were selected NOT visible on a certain
frame but when I look at the next frame in the rendered seq I see a light halo of the object. As well objects with small movement seem to have a sight halo of that object.
I believe I did turn on blur for a test render but decided not to use it so it is currently unchecked in render settings.
I don't really care about the blur but my experience is blur increses render time.
Any one else see this. I guess I'll go back to 8.1 64bit because I just see some odd stuff in 8.5
Have you tried asking at Carrarators?
Note - Wendy or Dartanbeck or Mystarra or PhilW or... might see your question here, but I think several other people who focus on animations would check Carrarators as well.
Thanks for the tip. I was not aware of that forum.
I did find the issue, I had motion Blur selected in the Scene filters in the assemble room.