n/m good effort but useless

please post dressed and coifed genesis 3/8 to commons thread
to show content creators how easy it is to make clothes work in carrara
like add an extra 30 seconds of their time to make a blended weight version
Post edited by Mistara on
Actually Misty all we need is a script
to batch convert to Blended weight maybe remove rigid nodes
but sadly I cannot make one
@Philemo might be able to but not seen him here lately
ideally a stand-alone script not needing DAZ studio open duf is in plain text
script nice
is frustrating cuz i cant run studio at work.
i can't try new outfits til i get home, convert,
it took almost a 100 cyber security messages to get carrara running at work.
bringing my laptop no use, i cant read the screen on my laptop, my vision is bolluxed
mebbe i can setup an excel spreadsheet to run the numbers.
@EddyMI3D may be another person who could do this if interested
I know nothing about scripting myself but what is needed is advanced text editing in multiple files
there is a plethora of DAZ studio users who could do it but since none use Carrara they won't grasp what is needed and why if they could even be bothered
I dare say Richard Haseltine himself could do it if he had any interest
I don't have any G8 stuff as Daz3d doesn't support it in Carrara I have no need to buy anything
and very little of G3 stuff because of same reason as above
and I had to google coifed -
but a blended weight script converter would be handy dandy for sure
I linked to a pic from the current challenge WIP thread that ended up not using.
Thank you for the post in commons.
now for the good news tee hee
i compared the general weight map of 'left big toe 2 node joints' to the blended weight map of 'left big toe 2 node joints' ,
guess what,
it's the exact same numbers split into 5 lists of the exact same numbers bwahhhhh, don't need an algohyme, just need copy/paste
i'll compare the rest of the tree at work tomorrow.
if this same numbers thing holds true for the whole tree,
could make a template, and then just paste list in curly braces.
basically just pasting the list 5 times, with different headers for the 5 branches
[ 4837, 0.7000229 ]
[ 4838, 0.919707 ],
"type" : "skin_settings",
"auto_normalize_general" : true,
"auto_normalize_local" : true,
"auto_normalize_scale" : true,
"binding_mode" : "General",
"general_map_mode" : "DualQuat",
"scale_mode" : "BindingMaps"
"type" : "skin_settings",
"auto_normalize_general" : true,
"auto_normalize_local" : true,
"auto_normalize_scale" : true,
"binding_mode" : "Blended",
"general_map_mode" : "DualQuat",
"scale_mode" : "ScaleMaps",
"blend_weights" :
compared the left and right toes, didn't find a difference there.
would be nicer to find the code switch so carrara would know what to do with it,
like what would happen if ScaleMaps was replaced with the words BindingMaps
happy right now lol, if only could fix the toes. trying figuring out how to check those verts are in the bone's influence, being the last bone in the chain should help
mebbe a python load script could burst that general list into the lists
actyally, if a load script could make carrara see internal names as the internal IDs would fix the g8 before it could crash
typing over the scale mode didn't work.
mebbe it just needs the tree for the scale maps and it doesn't need all trees.
will have to test 1 tree at a time to see if only 1 is essential
I have no idea what you mean but it sounds AWESOME!
tanks for the renders , those gorgeous renders should earn us some support.
just saying
so far, there is nothing magical about the converting to blended weight. no math involved.
all it does is repeat the numbers , based on the toe.
gonna use excel to compare the whole weight list tomorrow.
so, is like, qa can't test clothes converted to blended weight.
feels slilly trying sell daz on their own software
They are all against us
here too
I did post a couple times but no point
maybe we need to discuss DAZ software at Renderosity
Pity you don't Facebook Misty a lot of 3D stuff can be discussed in groups there without site censorship
I don't use my real surname or birthdate etc
mebbe qa needs a walk thru tutorial on how to conform clothing in carrara.
seems like they have a whole new crew there.
i dot have the bandicam no mores. need a new hdmi 'corder gizmo.
tee hee, my spit puff for the new mic came last weekend. Lol
?? ran the triax convertions. the node weights numbers is exactly the general node weights,
but it has the branches like the blended weight, with the numbers as the original general weight.
only diff i see is the verbage in the skin settings.
is still the dualquat.
no guess as to what auto normalize means.
wonder what would happen if i set those to false?
and confusingly, it's the 'general' that uses scale_mode: bindingmaps thought i'd messed up the file order.
"type" : "skin_settings",
"auto_normalize_general" : true,
"auto_normalize_local" : true,
"auto_normalize_scale" : true,
"binding_mode" : "Local",
"general_map_mode" : "DualQuat",
"scale_mode" : "ScaleMaps"
too basd there's nothing to compare a poser weight map to, might need converting poser units to cm
the only programming language i'm good at is ms access vba. microsoft does give a free run version with the access engine.
i think is gonna be farily straight forward to import a dsf file and add the arrays needed for triax or blended weight.
would be more complicated to write vba to clean up node typos. may not be worth the effort, daz could conceivably fix it by genesis 9
I convert a lot... and would love a script. The only item I have frustrating troube with is boots. Whether in a multi-piece outfit or not. I do convert each part of an outfit separately, too! I save them back to the file where the DAZ item lives and name it as the C-Version so I know where to find stuff. If I am using converted items a lot, I also save them to the project file.
Shoes, not such a problem as I only need the ankle to move and if they include socks... sometimes they work sometimes not... and low cut shoes respond best. It's boots that are a problem.
With boots I change them to objects and parent one to each foot. then I lose movement. But as most are haired for prehistoric characters, I can faff that a bit. But recently tried putting a couple of simply bones in the boot objects to get basic movement.' to the floor like chewing gum! I remember the G3 characters feet doing that in the first experiments you did for getting G3 to work with Carrara.
If I am missing something doing footwear please let me know how to get around them being 'stuck'.
Anyways... my beast is back from the shop, but I have ot reconnected everything yet and it needs a test drive to see if new power supply helps. I have granddaughter these next two days, so will put some up at the weekend on the thread.
Good idea!
Honestly I think as Carrara users we are all better off not wasting our money on new products from DAZ as they don't want to waste their time on us and we are only feeding the beast,
we can use content DAZ studio users cannot such as FBX imports etc and even Adobe Fuse and Mixamo, they, the studio only users, cry because they cannot
or grab stuff from Unreal and Unity, I am doing it all the time and still keep buying stuff from DAZ that is actually harder to use!
just to be clear I am not advocating not buying DAZ products
just not stuff unsupported in Carrara
many vendors still do Poser sets etc
A lot of the new environment sets are using instances, is hard to replicate the same look without knowing positions. Also one set had used Iray settings for the sky, no HDR or png/jpg, only found the sky references to Iray by opening the duf in notepad and taking a look. Will be going back to importing terrains from Bryce then updating/combining in Carrara. Which reminds me I need to finish importing my Xfrog plants for use.
Xurge has another 50% off sale V4 and M4 still rock
I picked up a lot of Genesis 2 items during the PC for a day sale. They work fine in Carrara.
Used Clothes Converter to update all of the Aiko 3/Girl/Stepanie3/Victoria 3 to Victoria 4, & David 3/Hiro 3/Freak/Michael 3 to Michael 4, as well as some cross pollinating - adds to the wardrobe !
Will check out Xurge again.
discovered thru recent experiments, parts of the toe are connected to 2 bones. possibly a reason for the boot problems.
learned recently, is fairly straight forward to detach a skeleton, delete individual bones and re-attach
if we figure out which bone setup works, we could make a mannekin of the foot bones to transfer to those troublesome boots. don't need individual toe parts for boots. mebbe just the big toe and 1 for the other 4?
this vert belong to left big toe annd small toe4_2. all your base belong to us
I agree with you, but I mostly do Superhero renders and there's a vendor at Rendo that releases 3 or 4 new products every week. They are all for G3. I've adapted my pipleline to convert all of his suits to Blended weights in Studio then import them into Carrara. They work remarkably well and I don't have many issues. I create all my own textures anyways. Most morphs and poses work also.
I do find that the boots have an extra bone in them that causes issues. I delete them in Studio by right clicking and selecting delete bone. Samples attached.
not saying we cannot make them work
just we are actively being discouraged
and I am very actively being discouraged from participating on the general forum
I will stay here because I have friends here but I need to be careful
Thanks. looks good.
do you mean ltoe and rtoe ?
Double post
I don't have DS at work. Let me check tonight and I will post a screen shot.
Stay here where we appreciate your hard work and interesting conversation and the cool stuff you show us! DS users can just use things straight out of the box.... and altough they have their own ways of doing this...Carrara is more challenging almost because of the roadblocks it throws up and to be honest. it's more interesting to me because of it. And, when there are people like Misty and others who find a way forward, it has more meaning than just being able to buy another ready-to wear-use items from the store.
Keep on keeping on Carrarians!