Silly question: Is it included?
Hi there.
I'm so new to 3D and CGI, my wrapper just came off and I'm still shiny squeeky new.
Silliness aside.. I allready have a silly question about some content I've seen.
I've been scouting around for some characters and actors which I would like to use.
Now, I have found Morris' 'M4 Ethnique: Nathen', and he was just what I was looking for. (
But when looking at the promo-pics, and what's included, I see there's a hairy texture, but I don't think it says anything about the long, red hair shown in the promo.
Wether it is included, is nowhere to be found in his shop or on the promo-pics.
Could someone that owns this content, tell me if the long red hair was included or not? :)
Thank you!
Trolls 'n Goblins Seth.
Hello: no I don't believe the long red hair is included.....most of the models do not come with hair that's an extra to buy....don't quote me but it looks to be this one.... hope this helps Trish
99.99% of the time the hair is not included. On those rare occasions when it is, there is generally a very prominent mention of its inclusion.
Wow, first of all, thanks for the speedy reply!
This is a VERY good thing to know as a beginning CGI'er and customer of Daz3D :)
Especially since a friend of mine who's starting -with- me, was actually basing his choices on the whole package.
That indeed is exactly that hair. Thank you, Trish! :D
Now I can combine them ^^
Again, Thanks! :D
Usually if a model comes with hair, the name of the product will say it, e.g. "Summer Character and Hair for V4 and Genesis." If it just says something like "Summer for V4 and Genesis" then hair is not included, usually. The most sure way to check is to click on the "what's included" tab at the bottom of the product's page. Unless it says hair is included, it's not.
Sometimes you can look for bundles that will have everything you want... often a "starter bundle" or a "pro bundle" will package everything you see in the promo picture, whereas the base character, etc, will not. Mostly these are for the major DAZ offerings but there are sometimes side packages that come in bundles.
BIG tip, ALWAYS read the FULL page in the Store. Most of the time the Info over looked by not reading all the tabs is the one bit of info you need the most.