What to do when you can't find something?
It's an age old problem with Daz...so many things are installed in such a confusing array of folders. What do you do when yo can't locate something. I have Sadie and Sam and see the facial expressions on my hard drive (library/data/daz/genesis/base/morphse...etc etc.) but I can't find these facial expression anywhere inside the Daz Studio program.
-ignore me.. missed the 'facial expressions' bit-
I just checked for you.
Select Genesis (Sadie) Head in the Parameters pane, and under Pose Controls > Head, there are loads of morphs.
The Above is my method. 90% of Expressions show that way, only Click load expressions will not.
Thanks. That worked. I thought I applied expressions like I would apply a body position...by clicking on that icon in my content library. Doh!
Not any more...
I think it has more to do with the fact that most expressions for the new figures are now morphs as opposed to poses.