trying to find scar tissue bump maps, displacement maps, or normal maps? at the space bar
i have a scene where my m4's are comparing scars in a testosterone space bar.
already bought the wounds set, but not having luck making believable scar puckers with it.
and i'm already using the m4 displacement maps, so there's already some displacement going on.
thanks! :)
should i use a seperate geometry layer for the scar?
maybe displace a few belly hairs, too.
it's going to take a while to figure this out, huh.
dudes really do that in real life, don't they? show off scars.
Post edited by Mistara on
Does the set have maps you could bring into photoshop or GIMP and modify? If you have the maps already they would probably be the best template to work off, otherwise the match between the texture scar and bump will look unnatural.
most guys like to brag to anyone who will listen. "I got this fighting a grizzly off with a rusty spork!" because it sounds better than "I fell off a step stool cleaning my gutters" so do guys brag about scars? they brag about anything and scars on girls can be cute, they tell intimate stories.
man you should see the scar I got from fighting intergalactic space monkeys last year.
sure it wasn't a space happy wrench wench? :) they get hot around engines. :)
so far i've tried adding a scar to m4's muscle displacement map, looks not scar-ish.
then i tried adding to the skin with pse, using a drop shadow, looks like what it is, a lightning bolt with a drop shadow.
i haz a couple of pucker scars on my ankles, no space monkeys, had a blood transfusion as a baby. A negative, :lol:
I loved that cgCookie photoshop vid, pretty much what I do but not as good so this was a great help thanks
what else would dudes talk about in a space bar? ... jobs? shoe sales?
who's got the highest CoD score?
is that machismo stuff? :)
yeah I don't hold with that type of behaviour because I am so tuff when I peel onions the onions cry.
now imagining chuck norris walking into the space bar. ready with a round house kick :)
i can't see what they're drinking. prolly has sudziness on top. waiter looks depeche mode-ish.
big guy at the corner table dealing in smuggled tribbles. or tribblettes.
I've got to many scars. I only have 2 in public view. One is huge and very noticeable if wearing short sleeve shirts. I have a vertical scar 6in long on my forearm from an accident while I was in the military.
I am just scarred emotionally
Haven't you ever seen the scene in "Jaws" where they start comparing scars (Puts leg on table, "Oh, I've got that beat!") and then they hear the story of the USS Indianapolis...
I believe the old LIE package does not work in DS4.6, but is there a new equivalent built in?
And I assume there's no need to dig into the chest of pirate-with-a-hook jokes. :lol:
ROFL! That's funny. You gotta work on that expression, though. His expression should be more like your avatar. :lol:
ROFL! That's funny. You gotta work on that expression, though. His expression should be more like your avatar. :lol:LOL! well it was just to be sure they Still worked, Not a real render even, that's a snap of my viewport. I don't even remember why I bought the set. I'm sure it was for a reason at one time but I got no idea what it was now.
no it is the stunned mullet look which is perfect. :)
a Trog walks into the space bar. he may be responsible for some of those scars :roll:
some space bar snooker? :)
david sans scars sigh