Wedell Williams Model 44 Air Racer
Hi All,
Here is a Wedell Williams Model 44, a classic air racer from the Golden Age of Aviation.
This was modeling in Blender during some of my streams on Twitch (username ChrisLCox)
This is a rigged Figure with many posisble parts.
Please let me know if you have issues loading the figure into DAZ Studio.
Wedell Williams Model 44.jpg
1800 x 1350 - 177K
It loads fine, and just for fun here's a basic G8M pilot pose:
Thanks for making the pose. That's really cool.
I'll add a link to the pose in my description.
No worries, a brief 5 minutes and if I'd thought about it I'd have had him sitting a bit forward to fit in a 'chute .. ;)
Thank You, I have downloaded it and probably will try to make some scenes with it. Just for info is there some type of genre that is like Retro SF, oh yes probably Pulp Fiction like older videogames Rocket Ranger, They came from desert.. ect.
I was thinking how to make some scenes with models like this I mean some scenery but was thinking how to fit in models like this particulary models looking like on this pic
Hi Milos, Sounds cool. Is the gallery link in you signature the best place to see you images? or are there other places to see you works?
Here it goes, most of it that I have uploaded
To be honest I am trying to make nice story for some time now, I think I am making progress but it is going much slower then I would like :) I think I am improving my work but oh well it could be much better. This year I am busy with trying to graduate and well I need to upgrade my computer which is a bit older .