DAZ Item in Promo Image

TheEnforcerTheEnforcer Posts: 25
edited November 2019 in The Commons

Hi All,

I'm not sure how to best search for this in the forum, but is there a common thread to ask the names of items in promo images?  If so, I'll gladly ask there...

If not, could I please get some help identifying pieces that people use?  There's one piece I've seen used frequently, and I've scoured the clothing sections on here and posercontent multiple times and cannot figure it out since none of the shop items have it included in the description. 

First item.  Sleeve & Top (Often has mesh/torn sleeves)

It's used in  Melo Hair, BD Harue, and Aurelia cover images

Second item.  Bodysuit

Used in Aeve for Genesis 3, cover image (accidentally said first image)

Thank you in advance.

Post edited by TheEnforcer on


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