The next Challenge is the 50th - any suggestions or requests about rules/theme? :)

Need your input about the 50th. If it was a wedding anniversary, it would be the Golden Jubilee. :)
Ideas so far:
1. Repeat the first theme, "Welcome to my Garden"
2. Famous/Weird Anniversaries or divorce anniversaries
3. Something connected to gold
4. Wedding photos
5. The Moment Before
6. Each individual picks a theme from a previous Challenge. Up to 3 renders, each must be a different theme.
7. Something to do with fire
8. Creative use of an object (a free object available to all)
9. Do a remake of any previous 1st place winning Challenge render, can't redo your own render.
10. Something completely unconnected to the 50th, such as "Beauty is a terrible power."
11. "Celebration," a generic theme which covers all types of anniversaries, holidays, etc.
12. "Numbers Don't Lie," the theme of at least one of your renders is connected to the number of Challenges you have entered.
13. Something to do with "50," contestant chooses what it means.
14. "The Big Parade" - a celebratory procession of people/critters/objects.
15. An image that conveys what caused you to buy Carrara in the first place (specific feature, great render, or other).
Rules and other suggestions:
1. Try to get as many of the original participants as possible
2. Have multiple hosts
3. GC for funniest render
4. Reward (in number of votes, entries, etc) for past participation
I will add others here as they are suggested. Thanks!
Famous/weird anniversaries?
Ha, nice!
50 years married is Golden Anniversary in Australia!
silver is 25th
Wow! Fifty! Who would have thought? I
theres been quite a few plugins released since we started the challenge.
Thinking out loud, tick tick tick, bang!
Thinking cap on. I wonder what our most popular challenge was?
Maybe we could use that as a jumping off point?
Sorry I will still be away for a while.
I stand corrected. :)
So maybe a golden theme? Reflections in a Golden Eye? Goldfinger?
Most popular was #27, Give Me A Sign. Considering that we just got Daz back on board, that may not be the best choice. :)
When I put on my thinking cap, it says "Wait till Headwax gets back."
I don't enter so probably not my place to make suggestions
Wedding photos could be funny
especially since the happy couples need not be human or any othe prerequisites
the hairy cucumber could be marrying the bus for example
Wedding photos! Nice.
Of course you can enter. I can personally guarantee that you won't win a darn thing.
a gold diggers theme heading north to wherever......
I've been worked in wedding magazine for 7 years. I hate wedding related things.
Ha ha Vyusur , a good thing to dislike. But a good idea all the same Wendy.
good point about daz ub.
how about something to show how much we love daz ?
we could do it in poetry
How Do I Love Thee daz? (Sonnet 43) By Elizabeth Barrett Brownose
small joke
I like the idea of narrative, it that's a personal thing.
"The Moment Before" it could be called. You never illustrate a mans head being chopped off. You always illustrate the moment before where the axe mans axe is held high and the victim looks aghast at his fate - as an example.
All good suggestions so far.
Here is another idea. Could allow participants to pick any one of the previous Challenges, and use that theme/rules. Up to 3 (or however many) entries. Each entry can be a different challenge. Or, maybe say a person cannot use the same challenge theme for more than one of his/her own entries (more than one person can choose the same challenge, but one person can't use same challenge for more than one image).
something with shaders?
glitter, gold and silver, layered shaders?
november, food related?
fezing here, theme with fire?
pyro techniqs?
and a special vote for funniest scene? I'll kick in the gc prize.
ooo perfect for a sigline
Awesome, DUDU!
I assume that is a no vote. :)
I notice that you started doing Challenges in #29. Pretty sure you would not have participated in #28. :)
It sounds like a great theme to me, but maybe better for something other than the 50th?
I've added all the idea mentions so far to the first post.
Why fire? I like the idea, but not sure how it relates to the 50th.
A GC for funniest scene is very generous, thanks!
only cuz cold here, warming buns by fireplace sounds good
and just watched a cripeman tutorial on fire
out loud ~ something different could be finding a free object file that can be available to all of some kind and do a render with it in the scene..
see how many different ideas get done with the same item.
encouragement to morph deform or atomise it, so as to use some of Carrara's tools.
Sounds good. I did something similar in the Toon Challenge, where your Odie dog was required in one of the categories.
Nobody deconstructed him, though. :)
deconstrtucted? really needing a bull leg, to deconstruct into a minotaur leg.
using a cup and saucer in a render and used for a purpose it is not intended for..... get the imagination going
As long as two girls are not involved with certain substances
I know people with commemorative divorce tattoos. Maybe divorce anniversaries instead or also? ;)
"Have you ever been liberated?"
Sorry for my absence, lots of great ideas.
Not sure about the rest of the world, but here in the U.S. turning 50 means you are 'over the hill'. That's the term my grandparents used to use, maybe it's an old term, like me now.
Maybe we could make a 1st of 1sts challenge.
We should make a remake of the past 1st places, with the only rule you can't remake your own 1st place.