If I understand what you want, the only way to do it would be to use the new keyed ERC type. However you could limit both of your pose controls, then create a master slider that controlled both of them.
If I understand what you want, the only way to do it would be to use the new keyed ERC type. However you could limit both of your pose controls, then create a master slider that controlled both of them.
Isn't that kind of what the Arms Up/Down does? Or the eye poses?
If use limits, (and it seems easy way) we need to set ERC freeze opositte.
set ERC freeze, when controller LeanFoward 100 , poze Foward Full
then when controller LeanBuck -100, poze Buck Full.
next set limits LeanFoward (min 0 to max 100)
set limits LeanBuck (min -100 to max 0)
then make master controller, (LeanBuck_Foward)
set limits (min -100 to max 100)
set ERC both LeanFoward and LeanBuck as sub controller of master,
set type "delta add". "scolor 1."
If ERCfreeze ,when LeanBuck dial to 100, Actor poze LeanBuck Full
as same as LeanFoward, it can not work.
about this case,
same setting about LeanFoward, but about LeanBuck,
set limits LeanBuck (min 0 to max 100)
set type delta add "scolor -1" as subcomponent of master.
then new ERC type keyed and Linea work more great job.. ^^;
about this case,
same setting about LeanFoward, but about LeanBuck,
set limits LeanBuck (min 0 to max 100)
set type delta add “scolor -1” as subcomponent of master.
I said so. (it means, LeanFoward set Scalar 1, (min 0 to max 100)as same as above I mentioned ablut - 100% erc case.
but about LeanBuck need to set Scalar -1 and limits (min 0 to max 100). sorry if my english may confuse OP.):roll:
Then,,About The first quesiton how to set ERC freeze for -100%value,,
when I set ERC freeze with -100% value of new controller,
I usually make new porperty which have no ERC first.
eg,,, make new property "newERCminus100" in Parameter tab> edit mode.
then set value to -100, and pozing Actor as LeanBuck.
r-click the "newERCminus100" and select ERCfreeze.
it auto select CtrlLeanBuck as ERCcontroller for other node rotation.
and it work, (when CtrlLeanBuck -100, Actor poze LeanBuck)
and,,if you hope to use new Keyed , it work like my pic.
I make twe controller Ldance and Rdance, set ERC freezed.
Ldance poze full when set value -100
Rdance poze full when set value 100
make new master controller LtoR.
and set Ldance and Rdance as subcomponent, with keyed.
If I understand what you want, the only way to do it would be to use the new keyed ERC type. However you could limit both of your pose controls, then create a master slider that controlled both of them.
Isn't that kind of what the Arms Up/Down does? Or the eye poses?
If use limits, (and it seems easy way) we need to set ERC freeze opositte.
set ERC freeze, when controller LeanFoward 100 , poze Foward Full
then when controller LeanBuck -100, poze Buck Full.
next set limits LeanFoward (min 0 to max 100)
set limits LeanBuck (min -100 to max 0)
then make master controller, (LeanBuck_Foward)
set limits (min -100 to max 100)
set ERC both LeanFoward and LeanBuck as sub controller of master,
set type "delta add". "scolor 1."
If ERCfreeze ,when LeanBuck dial to 100, Actor poze LeanBuck Full
as same as LeanFoward, it can not work.
about this case,
same setting about LeanFoward, but about LeanBuck,
set limits LeanBuck (min 0 to max 100)
set type delta add "scolor -1" as subcomponent of master.
then new ERC type keyed and Linea work more great job.. ^^;
Since it is controlling two different morphs you can make the scalar for one of them -1 and both will then work with the same 0-100% range.
I said so. (it means, LeanFoward set Scalar 1, (min 0 to max 100)as same as above I mentioned ablut - 100% erc case.
but about LeanBuck need to set Scalar -1 and limits (min 0 to max 100). sorry if my english may confuse OP.):roll:
Then,,About The first quesiton how to set ERC freeze for -100%value,,
when I set ERC freeze with -100% value of new controller,
I usually make new porperty which have no ERC first.
eg,,, make new property "newERCminus100" in Parameter tab> edit mode.
then set value to -100, and pozing Actor as LeanBuck.
r-click the "newERCminus100" and select ERCfreeze.
it auto select CtrlLeanBuck as ERCcontroller for other node rotation.
and it work, (when CtrlLeanBuck -100, Actor poze LeanBuck)
and,,if you hope to use new Keyed , it work like my pic.
I make twe controller Ldance and Rdance, set ERC freezed.
Ldance poze full when set value -100
Rdance poze full when set value 100
make new master controller LtoR.
and set Ldance and Rdance as subcomponent, with keyed.