FF Normal Maps for Poser/DS- OpenGL or DirectX
I'm using Filter Forge and rendering textures to mess around with and see what I can come up with (I'm a tinkerer that way lol). I'm just wondering which style to use for usage in Poser/DS. OpenGL normal maps have a y-negative, while DirectX maps have a y-positive (if I understood correctly).
I just got FF a few days ago when it was 70% off so I'm still new to it. According to a thread I came across, for DS we should use the OpenGL version. https://www.filterforge.com/forum/read.php?FID=5&TID=11781&MID=123816
I did some tests and the OpenGL version did work a lot better than DirectX, which seems to invert the lighting and mess up displacement. Also If you use a plane make sure it's facing the correct way, the green Y axis should face toward the camera not away, that really threw me off at first when I was not paying attention.
In the attached images the direct light is coming from the bottom left of the image. I used the Lounge Lizards filter (http://www.filterforge.com/filters/1596.html) to create the diffuse, bump, specular, normal and displacement (used bump again) maps.
Thanks! I'm not quite sure what you mean by a plane facing the wrong way, though. Do you mean the top/front of the plane should face the camera rather than the back/bottom?
Your welcome & yes about the plane.
Gotchya. Thanks again, :)