Obeservation/question on rendering
Ok, I am trying to make my first animation. We all know how time-consuming the rendering process can be with that. But I noticed a strange/weird? thing. I start rendering the animation from frame 0 just before I left for work. It took around 9 hours to do 6 frames. Yes, I did turn the iterations down to about 200 from 5000. So I settled in for the long haul. When I am home and using the computer for other things I stop the rendering so the computer doesn't run like a snail. So just before bed or going to work again, I restart the rendering from the frame I left off with and here is the weird thing. The animation now is rendering the new frames at a much faster speed than it was rendering them before I restarted. When I started it took 9 hours to do 6 frames. As of now after the restart, it has done 132 frames in 19.5 hours. This has actually happened several times. Not sure if every time because I just noticed it a few days ago. Is this a common thing? And if so why is this happening? Don't get me wrong, I am super happy it does this just wondering why and hoping it continues. LOL.
Several people have reported issues with the GPU being dropped after the first frame or so, it may be that you had soemthing similar (or that something in one particular early frame needed more memory) and so you ended up with a number of slower CPU-only renders in the first batch.