Lost Genesis Male Figure
Documentation Center won't recognize my user name which is my email address. When I hit enter my email address is changed from an @ to an _. The real proble is that I suddenly lost my Genesis Male figure, but when I try to search for help on DAZ I get the above problem. The DAZ website recognizes me.
You don't need to log in to use the Documentation Centre. Genesis Male Base is part of the Genesis Starter Essentials - try uninstalling and reinstalling those.
Well it's telling me I have to then sais my name and/or password is wrong. It isn't.
I couldn't find it in the store. I didn't know the exact wording of the product; Genesis Starter Essentials. Thank you very much. I'm up and running again.
I often get this with both the store and DIM. Simply leave your name as is, then delete the password and re-type the password (yes, even if it was entered correctly). That works for me every time.
I thought it appeared like their system thinks a _ is an @. Thanks.