Thank you, Ted! Thank you once again for purchasing her. I also made a blended copy and tested her in Carrara. Still testing. Some shaders must be changed.
Thank you, Tim! Not so bad for a standalone figure.
Thank you, Silene!
Here is some of my test pictures that I made when it was WIP.
It's commendable (and not just because you are a woman artist) that you design REAL women !!! I get a bit fed up with some of the clothing as well. Recently I saw a post about prehistoric clothing in the new product thread and someone pointed me to a rendo site product. The males had appropriate clothing, functional etc. A couple of the women's pieces were OK... but then there was the inevitable fur bikini along with other fashions. Ugh. Why didn't the men have a g-string or mini-loin cloth? It did not seem that it was a fantasy wardrobe for them, just that this is what women wore then. Double ugh.
RE: original figures - Veronika's figures really are an amazing achievement. For a solo artist to accomplish in modeling, uvmapping, rigging, weightmapping, JCMs, etc. what Daz has a team of people working on is stunning. I am just floored that there are multiple stand alone figures in such a short period of time.
RE: Big breast morphs and stone age fur bikinis. I like both. Will consider some British-inspired freebies, but will have to wait until after I complete some evil villain Fluidos projects. Hammer films present Raquel Welch.
RE: original figures - Veronika's figures really are an amazing achievement. For a solo artist to accomplish in modeling, uvmapping, rigging, weightmapping, JCMs, etc. what Daz has a team of people working on is stunning. I am just floored that there are multiple stand alone figures in such a short period of time.
RE: Big breast morphs and stone age fur bikinis. I like both. Will consider some British-inspired freebies, but will have to wait until after I complete some evil villain Fluidos projects. Hammer films present Raquel Welch.
You are so much more fun now that you have joined the ranks of the retired.... (bangs head on desk!) Silene
With children Leon and Teena, and adult Janna in the store, I'm hoping there will be an adult male to complete the set. What else would make sense? Pets? Could it be worth it to make figures dedicated to the posture of old people? Even if no new stand alones, I'm in awe.
Please direct further discussion of stone age fur bikinis to the Michael Carreras thread.
Beautiful work! It is really amazing when you think of one person modelling, texturing, rigging a standalone figure. Just watching vids of Vyusur model is a thing of beauty, and then considering the amount of work and effort that go into putting together a stand-alone figure, it really is stunning.
Vyusur, since it was made for Studio, does that mean it originally has dual-quaternion rigging? I'm assuming it needs to be converted to blended before working in Carrara.
It's good to know Janna can be used in Carrara, can I assume Leon and Teena also Carrara-friendly? I saw Leon in the recent PC sale going for a song, it was a sin how low the price was and I was astonished to find it was a fully standalone figure. I usually steer clear of all G3 and G8 character sets, which I falsely assumed it was at first, but fortunately I took a closer look before passing it by.
From the screenshot, looks like she has more bones in her arms than the standard Genesis figures I'm used to, I'm thinking one of the hardest obstacles to overcome in going with a fully standalone figure is leaving behind the option of a large library of pre-made poses. On the other hand now that we can save poses in .duf format (thanks to Sparrowhawke's plugin), I suppose we can at least start to build a new library of poses. That's actually a big part of the reason I never went in for Genesis 3 or 8 characters; despite Misty's excellent work in making them a viable option in Carrara, I have constructed such a large and organized library of poses for Genesis1 and don't have any desire to try to build a whole new library of poses. Still I almost bent/broke my own rule against getting new figures for Lukas, it's a damn near perfect male morph and cries out to be a leading man in a spectacular adventure... One of these days if I spot Lukas in fast grab, I'll probably give in to temptation and grab him too. :)
Thanks UB! I surely have missed a bunch lol. I come back from real life and find it's Christmas Every Day here on the forums with all kinds of new good stuff to get into.
Stezza that's gorgeous, especially the mood lighting.
@Quasar, thank you very much! Jovovich was my inspiration.
BTW, I tried to keep the proportions and height, and I tried to make the features as close as could be to the original. But maybe I will make a set of additional morphs in the future.
Dave, It's sooooo sweet, adorable and mysterious picture that you made!
@Jonstark, thank you very much for paying attention and commenting. All my standalone figures have dual-quaternion weights, but all of them are Carrara-friendly when converted to blended weights. The bone count is a bit less than Genesis 3 and 8 figures have. I made a bunch of pose controls for them for easy manipulating. Personally, I prefer direct bone rotation to pose controls.
Thank you guys for taking a time to comment, I really appreciate it!
Ted, a special thank you for your kind words and for everything you've done for me.
And you guessed it right, I'm really going to make such a male figure. Well, that turned out to be rather more complex than I thought because of male arms being thicker than female arms, and that caused additional issues.
@Quasar, thank you very much! Jovovich was my inspiration.
BTW, I tried to keep the proportions and height, and I tried to make the features as close as could be to the original. But maybe I will make a set of additional morphs in the future.
I noticed that. I actually see more than hints but didn't want to be presumptuous lol. I had a huge crush on her when I was a teenager after I saw her in "Return to the Blue Lagoon."
not a simple smile, not a blink, not a viseme for mimic.
guess i'm spoiled, used to seeing a couple of starter face poses.
is she compatible with genesis visemes?
She has some sliders for mouth and eyes. They are available under pose controls. And you can manually select her eyelids by selecting groups and move the general sliders. She is also compatible with Genesis 8 poses except for the face expressions. I am going to make additional expressions and poses separately. I attached some screenshots here.
Thank you for the male references! I like him and his arms. Not sure that this kind of arms is easy to rig, but I'll try.
I have a few questions please.. I've never bought stand alone characters before. Is Janna only for Cararra? Will she get more clothes/hair/shoes? Will any of the dforce clothes work on her?
I have a few questions please.. I've never bought stand alone characters before. Is Janna only for Cararra? Will she get more clothes/hair/shoes? Will any of the dforce clothes work on her?
Janna is a Daz Studio figure. Natively.
Requires a few steps to make her compatible in Carrara.
I converted Janna, jeans outfit, and hair to blended, and loaded in Carrara. Used fit to. Applied a default pose.
The Janna figure works in Carrara. Will have to adjust shaders, as per usual.

Congrats Veronika. Hope it does well
She looks great... well done Veronika!
Thank you, Ted! Thank you once again for purchasing her. I also made a blended copy and tested her in Carrara. Still testing. Some shaders must be changed.
Thank you, Tim! Not so bad for a standalone figure.
Thank you, Silene!
Here is some of my test pictures that I made when it was WIP.
She looks great, Vyusur! I can see why you have been too busy to enter a Challenge.
What, no huge breast morphs? That is very un-Dazlike.

Thank you, UB! I am not a big fan of big boobs.
Here is a quick test render of Janna in Carrara.
It's commendable (and not just because you are a woman artist) that you design REAL women !!!
I get a bit fed up with some of the clothing as well. Recently I saw a post about prehistoric clothing in the new product thread and someone pointed me to a rendo site product. The males had appropriate clothing, functional etc. A couple of the women's pieces were OK... but then there was the inevitable fur bikini along with other fashions. Ugh. Why didn't the men have a g-string or mini-loin cloth? It did not seem that it was a fantasy wardrobe for them, just that this is what women wore then. Double ugh. 
Nice work. It can't be easy to create these original figures. I'm seeing hints of Milla Jovovich in her.
RE: original figures - Veronika's figures really are an amazing achievement. For a solo artist to accomplish in modeling, uvmapping, rigging, weightmapping, JCMs, etc. what Daz has a team of people working on is stunning. I am just floored that there are multiple stand alone figures in such a short period of time.
RE: Big breast morphs and stone age fur bikinis. I like both. Will consider some British-inspired freebies, but will have to wait until after I complete some evil villain Fluidos projects. Hammer films present Raquel Welch.
You are so much more fun now that you have joined the ranks of the retired.... (bangs head on desk!)
Oh the resemblence is amazing... wow.
With children Leon and Teena, and adult Janna in the store, I'm hoping there will be an adult male to complete the set. What else would make sense? Pets? Could it be worth it to make figures dedicated to the posture of old people? Even if no new stand alones, I'm in awe.
Please direct further discussion of stone age fur bikinis to the Michael Carreras thread.
must go have a look... just logged on now.
but you know what they say 'any more than a handfull is a waste'

Beautiful work! It is really amazing when you think of one person modelling, texturing, rigging a standalone figure. Just watching vids of Vyusur model is a thing of beauty, and then considering the amount of work and effort that go into putting together a stand-alone figure, it really is stunning.
Vyusur, since it was made for Studio, does that mean it originally has dual-quaternion rigging? I'm assuming it needs to be converted to blended before working in Carrara.
It's good to know Janna can be used in Carrara, can I assume Leon and Teena also Carrara-friendly? I saw Leon in the recent PC sale going for a song, it was a sin how low the price was and I was astonished to find it was a fully standalone figure. I usually steer clear of all G3 and G8 character sets, which I falsely assumed it was at first, but fortunately I took a closer look before passing it by.
From the screenshot, looks like she has more bones in her arms than the standard Genesis figures I'm used to, I'm thinking one of the hardest obstacles to overcome in going with a fully standalone figure is leaving behind the option of a large library of pre-made poses. On the other hand now that we can save poses in .duf format (thanks to Sparrowhawke's plugin), I suppose we can at least start to build a new library of poses. That's actually a big part of the reason I never went in for Genesis 3 or 8 characters; despite Misty's excellent work in making them a viable option in Carrara, I have constructed such a large and organized library of poses for Genesis1 and don't have any desire to try to build a whole new library of poses. Still I almost bent/broke my own rule against getting new figures for Lukas, it's a damn near perfect male morph and cries out to be a leading man in a spectacular adventure... One of these days if I spot Lukas in fast grab, I'll probably give in to temptation and grab him too. :)
Jonstark, you have missed a bunch while you were gone. :)
Vyusur talks about Leon in the Carrara forum:
I haven't used Leon yet either, but plan to very soon. For me the challenge always is to remember how to do blended weights in DS. :)
just put Leon into the raining men challenge... in the Carrara category of course
Thanks UB! I surely have missed a bunch lol. I come back from real life and find it's Christmas Every Day here on the forums with all kinds of new good stuff to get into.
Stezza that's gorgeous, especially the mood lighting.
@Quasar, thank you very much! Jovovich was my inspiration.
BTW, I tried to keep the proportions and height, and I tried to make the features as close as could be to the original. But maybe I will make a set of additional morphs in the future.
Dave, It's sooooo sweet, adorable and mysterious picture that you made!
@Jonstark, thank you very much for paying attention and commenting. All my standalone figures have dual-quaternion weights, but all of them are Carrara-friendly when converted to blended weights. The bone count is a bit less than Genesis 3 and 8 figures have. I made a bunch of pose controls for them for easy manipulating. Personally, I prefer direct bone rotation to pose controls.
Thank you guys for taking a time to comment, I really appreciate it!
Ted, a special thank you for your kind words and for everything you've done for me.
And you guessed it right, I'm really going to make such a male figure. Well, that turned out to be rather more complex than I thought because of male arms being thicker than female arms, and that caused additional issues.
I noticed that. I actually see more than hints but didn't want to be presumptuous lol. I had a huge crush on her when I was a teenager after I saw her in "Return to the Blue Lagoon."
She needs a laser hall
ala resident ebil
Like that?
Janna animation test
is that with the jiggle plug in? looks good
the laser hall was scary scene
arms? lookin for a male arms reference?
my personal Mr Dreamy
Telemicus Rhade
no expressions, eh
She has some sliders for mouth and eyes. They are available under pose controls. And you can manually select her eyelids by selecting groups and move the general sliders. She is also compatible with Genesis 8 poses except for the face expressions. I am going to make additional expressions and poses separately. I attached some screenshots here.
Thank you for the male references! I like him and his arms. Not sure that this kind of arms is easy to rig, but I'll try.
Okay. thanks! was a bit confused.
it's all under Actor.
i was used to seeing pose controls under the figure name.
wanted to show her giving Mascara a lil kiss.
i'm doing a lil slide show for the tubes, showing how to convert her weights for carrara.
i would be interested to buy an add-on of mimic files.
i haven't cast all the parts in my movie yet.
The sorceresses has yet to appear
I have a few questions please.. I've never bought stand alone characters before. Is Janna only for Cararra? Will she get more clothes/hair/shoes? Will any of the dforce clothes work on her?
Janna is a Daz Studio figure. Natively.
Requires a few steps to make her compatible in Carrara.