dForce hair => obj export not working

in The Commons
Hi Everyone,
I tried looking in the forums for a solution that woked for me, but I didn't find one. (sorry if I missed it).
I tried to export a dForce hair model => obj and import into 3dsMax.
However, on import it does not show up as geometry.
I saw in the forums that you need 'Preview PR Hairs' button turned on, which I had done in the model's parameter section.
Any idea what I'm missing here?
Maybe I need to 'convert' it in Daz first some how?

701 x 409 - 87K
Select hair.
Then Parameters > Simulation > Hair > Pre-render: Generate and Preview PR hairs shall both be set to 'On'.
Thanks for the reply.
However, I don't seem to have any 'hair' options in the parameters->simulation for the hair.
Generate PS, HR and Preview hairs are all on too.
I've also tried simulating the whole scene etc.. too, but no change re export
(it feels like I'm missing something simple here sorry)
Hmm, seems it is different from hair to hair - which really doesn't make sense.
You could see if there is a 'Viewport Line Tesselation'. And if it must be different from 0.
I increased the Viewport/Render Line Tessellation Sides from 1/3 and it worked :)
Thanks for your help
did you get hair that "worked" in Max, ID that was flexible and strandy and could blow in the wind etc? I would love to know how to do this.