Harwood House: Have you seen the props?

Kindred Arts released Harwood House today. This is a complete set, inside and out. And it comes fully furnished.
But the one thing I just had to mention is this: The toilet seats go up. Both of them. Separately. I'm pretty sure that's going to make a lot of people around here happy.
Looks really good.
Incoming argument between Victoria and Michael about the fact he's left the toilet seat up...
Finally a high quality house with in and exterior and lot of rigged props...
Perfect for visual novels...
We need more of such products
I wish there were regular well lit promos. I don’t render horror particularly so the dark angsty promos make it tough to see the actual rooms.
I did - didn't really catch the price, but as I usually alwyas peek at 'buildings/houses' in the hope against hope that they are more than jus pretty looking exteriors was delighted to see it had a working indoors (though had not spotted the toilet seat moves ... I'm a guy, sue me!) and it went straight into the basket with a 'oh, that is why it is a bit more expensive than I may have thought, more than fair enough ..'
ooOooOOoh i was hoping a thread like this might come up, thanks L'adair! I hope everyone is ok with the price, i really don't like pricing highly as i'd rather get it into as many hands as possible, but i don't want to devalue similar sets at that price point.
On an entirely different note, i have credits to give out. I started this roughly three years ago with @sickleyield as a joint project. We had to leave it due to the sheer scale and time commitment, but i picked it up again a few months ago. Sickle made most of the kitchen props and was a big part of the initial design/layout/style etc. Instead of having to remodel the entire kitchen, she let me use them like an absolute champ, so i'm eternally grateful
Anyway guys, i really hope you enjoy this set. Can't wait to see what you all do with it!
It is pricey, but well deserved. Glad, It is a new release and PC sale.
Obviously a toilet seat that goes up is important!
... Trying to aim through the gap would suck. :D
i would like to see yo a product for a skyscraper building in the city, with several apartments, staircase, elevator, interiour and exteriour.
maybe the props of the different appartments could be addons.
Wow, KA! I really hope it pays off big for you. I snapped it up fast and hope it's worth making more like this in future.
I have swirlies on that one... thanks for the link. In fact, i have 4 swirlies again today.
Bought immediately. Thanks KA :)
Wish I didn't have to decide between this item and the $35.00 yearly PC membership! Which one will win out I wonder? Does anyone happen to know what times of year they have the 35.00 yearly membership, cause that's a Great deal and if I could get it later, I would really like to get this house now, Lol!
Membership is usually on sale during anniversary sale in October, but besides that there’s no set timing, it’s just when Daz feels like setting it on sale. And when they do it’s often 30% off, not 50%.
No, not really. Discounts on membership happen every now and again, but the discount varies a fair bit and is never that predictable, so I can't confidently say when it'll next be at this price.
Dang, I was afraid of that! Well, I guess the house will be there next week, just at a little higher price is all. I'm putting on my big girl pants now so I can do what needs to be done, Lol! Thanks for the info!
For me one of the selling points was being able to load individual rooms. (Or, conversely, delete all the rooms you know that you aren't going to need for this render).
And as for the price, I suspect that if one added up all the architecture and furniture packs (not the texture add-ons) of Jack's Dream Home, it would be comparable.
Now. My first question -- and it isn't anything like a deal breaker -- do the props have an option to load zeroed? Or will we have to drag them into the frame from wherever their default is? I expect that if the rooms load individually we'll need to drag them around to where we want them, but we might want to use the props in some other set.
... Besides, we all know I'm not gonna play with that house right away *anyway, right? Right! (I just *really want it *Now!!!)
All individual props load zeroed, but the room preloads will load in their respective locations within the house. Hope that helps!
Yeah it's gorgeous. And a bit pricey for me right now, so had to add it to the wishlist. But I really want it
. Very nice that it comes fully furnished
So, two questions...what controlmaps are included? Need to know if it's easily convertable to 3DL. Are there any custom IRay shaders?
I was going to wait for Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, but this was an instabuy. It would have been nice to have renders in normal lighting, but no matter...
Will take a while, as my budget is utterly depleted, so it only went to the wishlist...
One small complaint though - the "Greybox" picture would be better if it wasn't using that angle but a top down view that would show more details about how the room setup is.
Purchased. Had to have it. I love complete environments and this one is great. Its so obviously haunted, infested, cursed, etc... Going to be busy with this one :)
Excellent work KA. Ill post a pic when I get the chance.
I bought this the moment I saw it! Fantastic product.
12 loadable rooms, 56 props, and a gorgeous exterior environment - it's like several sets in one. The price is more than reasonable. A really breathtaking product! Excellent work, KindredArts (and Sickleyield on most of the kitchen props and initial design)!
These questions! I love the time-worn textures on the furniture and appliances. As long as everything is a texture map, it can be retextured to suit 3DL and I can (sort of) justify it :-)
I'm heading out to do some Lyft driving so I can snag this up later today, it looks so awesome!
It looks cool, promos gives off a bit of 80's horror movie vibes lol.
This will teach me not to look closely at stuff ... the outside paving, as it lodas by default, looked way too reflective to me, just as if it was wet, Guess waht? That's exactly what it is .. The very nice Mr @KindredArts has shown me the error of my ways; there is a dry exterior paving material!
..wow, impressive.