Black Is Beautiful II



  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited June 2012

    Angel1359 said:
    I did wonder if the eyes could have been a different colour which would explain the appearance, had I been able to have a closer look at the image as we were able too on the OLD FORUM I would have seen this for myself.......(not having a go at you vwrangler, just a little fed up of how long this is taking to correct the DAZ website)

    Well ... it's sort of a tradeoff this time. On the old forum, I could have posted it at 1024px wide and let the forum resize it, true, but I'd have had to convert it to JPG and reduce it to less than 600K, so you might not have been able to tell there, either. With this image, I was able to post the rendered PNG almost as it came out of Studio/3Delight, with minimal resizing -- the size of the original was 837px on the top side, so it wasn't a huge change, and I could keep the format, which meant the image was clearer.

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • sazzyazzcasazzyazzca Posts: 495
    edited December 1969

    Very nice render KerWar! The Mil Cat always looks good as an Abyssinian. :)

    I really wish this thread would get bumped like all the others are now though!

    Thank you!. :-)
    I do too, but I'm not very hopeful it will, being that it's going on 4 weeks and this place is still wonky.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited June 2012

    Love that render, KerWar! Did you use the Totally Bazaar shaders?

    Re: bumping...I don't think there's any thread bumping going on (as far as I can tell). New threads just go to the beginning of the list now, instead of the end (as they did when the new forums first opened).

    Re: viewing images in the old thread...just take the broken URL and put it after (so, for example, the correct URL for holly wetcircuit's image on page one of the old thread is this: Somewhere in the forum there's a link to a script or plugin that will automate this, but I haven't used it and don't recall where I saw it. Edit: here it is!

    ZamuelNow: do you want to add Chablis to the list in the original post? And maybe Men of Character I and II?

    SnowSultan: Very generous of you to offer your beautiful character as a freebie! You're making me wish I wasn't a Genesis-only person...

    Post edited by Scott Livingston on
  • Angel1359Angel1359 Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    Here is My Warrior Queen....

    650 x 650 - 88K
    Post edited by Angel1359 on
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Here's my latest...trying out a few new things. Benjamin for M5 with some of the Manly Men dialed in, plus some M5 Heroic and a few other tweaks.

    Title: The Prince of Azania

    600 x 800 - 301K
  • Angel1359Angel1359 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Here's my latest...trying out a few new things. Benjamin for M5 with some of the Manly Men dialed in, plus some M5 Heroic and a few other tweaks.

    Title: The Prince of Azania

    WOW!! WOW!! WOW!!! Love the character and outfit etc.....

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Thanks! :) The outfit is a bit of kit-bashing:

    Bracers from DragonLord
    Pants from Genesis Ranger (the belt is part of the pants)
    Collar from Pharaohs of the Sun (I used gold shaders from the Supersuit and from MachPack on the two surfaces of the hindsight this probably wasn't necessary...I probably could have gotten a similar look by tweaking the default material settings of this item)

    I can share the character's dial formula if anyone is interested...if you have the M5 Pro Bundle you should be able to duplicate it.

  • Angel1359Angel1359 Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    Thanks! :) The outfit is a bit of kit-bashing:

    Bracers from DragonLord
    Pants from Genesis Ranger (the belt is part of the pants)
    Collar from Pharaohs of the Sun (I used gold shaders from the Supersuit and from MachPack on the two surfaces of the hindsight this probably wasn't necessary...I probably could have gotten a similar look by tweaking the default material settings of this item)

    I can share the character's dial formula if anyone is interested...if you have the M5 Pro Bundle you should be able to duplicate it.

    :-S :-S I knew I should have downloaded the Bracers when they were free!! I'm still using M4 & V4 until I get the extra monies to get the extra Genesis bits and pieces. OK educate me a little here, to make a character like your Prince do I need to purchase: Michael 5, Benjamin and Manly Men 5??

    Post edited by Angel1359 on
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited June 2012

    The bracers came from this product: * which I got as part of the M5 Pro Bundle--which I'd highly recommend if/when you start getting Genesis stuff. Or you might as well go all out and get the Pro Suite if you can afford it--it has the Ethnicity shapes and the essential Genesis Starter Bundle in it. The Benjamin character and the Manly Men for M5 product are part of the Pro Bundle (and Pro Suite) too.

    I actually almost used the formerly free Genesis Bracers, but in the end went with the other ones. :)

    *Something is weird with the in-store images for this product...

    Post edited by Scott Livingston on
  • Angel1359Angel1359 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    The bracers came from this product: * which I got as part of the M5 Pro Bundle--which I'd highly recommend if/when you start getting Genesis stuff. Or you might as well go all out and get the Pro Suite if you can afford it--it has the Ethnicity shapes and the essential Genesis Starter Bundle in it. The Benjamin character and the Manly Men for M5 product are part of the Pro Bundle (and Pro Suite) too.

    I actually almost used the formerly free Genesis Bracers, but in the end went with the other ones. :)

    *Something is weird with the in-store images for this product...

    OK Scott-Livingston what if I got these sale items: Genesis Evolution: Muscularity, Genesis Evolution: Morph Bundle and the Ethnicity for Genesis Bundle. Would I still need an M5 and V5 figure? or would I be able to make my own characters with the items mentioned?

  • anikadanikad Posts: 1,919
    edited December 1969

    OK, this is only my second render. I have no idea what I'm doing. I have the M5 pro suite (the one that includes the ethnicity), just got V5 basic. This render is V5 with the african parameters fiddled with and the benjamin morph.

    634 x 615 - 52K
  • Angel1359Angel1359 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    anikad said:
    OK, this is only my second render. I have no idea what I'm doing. I have the M5 pro suite (the one that includes the ethnicity), just got V5 basic. This render is V5 with the african parameters fiddled with and the benjamin morph.

    Not Bad anikad, now you just need to move the left hand out abit so you can see all the fingers and thumb..:)

  • ZamuelNowZamuelNow Posts: 753
    edited December 1969

    Well, it takes constant fiddling and adjustments to learn how to get things the way you like. I know I certainly take parameters and beat them like they tried to take my lunch money. With the picture in question, adjusting the arms may be a simple way to eliminate the fingers clipping the waist as opposed to adjusting every finger. Adding a simple ground prop or panning the camera up from the feet would probably help as well.

  • Angel1359Angel1359 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ZamuelNow said:
    Well, it takes constant fiddling and adjustments to learn how to get things the way you like. I know I certainly take parameters and beat them like they tried to take my lunch money. With the picture in question, adjusting the arms may be a simple way to eliminate the fingers clipping the waist as opposed to adjusting every finger. Adding a simple ground prop or panning the camera up from the feet would probably help as well.

    :lol::lol: 'and beat them like they tried to take my lunch money' :lol::lol: OH! I like that phase.......I can't tell you the amount of time I have spent on just trying to get a hand looking just right....

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Angel1359 said:
    The bracers came from this product: * which I got as part of the M5 Pro Bundle--which I'd highly recommend if/when you start getting Genesis stuff. Or you might as well go all out and get the Pro Suite if you can afford it--it has the Ethnicity shapes and the essential Genesis Starter Bundle in it. The Benjamin character and the Manly Men for M5 product are part of the Pro Bundle (and Pro Suite) too.

    I actually almost used the formerly free Genesis Bracers, but in the end went with the other ones. :)

    *Something is weird with the in-store images for this product...

    OK Scott-Livingston what if I got these sale items: Genesis Evolution: Muscularity, Genesis Evolution: Morph Bundle and the Ethnicity for Genesis Bundle. Would I still need an M5 and V5 figure? or would I be able to make my own characters with the items mentioned?

    You can make your own characters with Genesis plus the Evolutions morphs. Of course you'd need a variety of textures, but I guess you have those already (you can use V4 and M4 textures on Genesis). Anything else you add, such as Muscularity or Ethnicity (neither of which I own, actually), or V5 and M5 would expand your ability to create characters. You can do all sorts of things with just the Evolutions morphs, but they are somewhat might get better results if you add some of those other things too. Keep in mind that in order to use some products (like Benjamin) you'll need M5 or V5.

  • ZamuelNowZamuelNow Posts: 753
    edited December 1969

    Also, this morph set is free: It allows a good variety of ethnicity options.

  • SnowSultanSnowSultan Posts: 3,647
    edited December 1969

    Wow, still not getting notices for updates here...

    @Scott: Thanks, I eventually plan on making a Genesis version of my character too. Will probably wait until threads get bumped when new posts are made though so more than the five of us in here will see it. ;)

    Oh Angel, I did a little feature for you in my last deviantArt journal:
    Thanks again for the pics!

    @Anikad: That's a good pic for your second render! My first fifty renders or so were just tests, lol.

    Still wondering when those new Neftis afros are coming out...

  • Angel1359Angel1359 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Wow, still not getting notices for updates here...

    Still wondering when those new Neftis afros are coming out...

    Neftis3D is just waiting for the DAZ crew to release the file...(you didn't think I had forgotten about that beautiful hair. Did you!) I think Neftis3D may call it harassment, but I would call it gentle persuasion!! :)

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Anikad, you're off to a great start!

    Angel1359/ZamuelNow: I've heard good things about those DieTrying morphs. Haven't tried them myself yet...I'll have to check them out. They might be a good place to start making characters with Genesis, without having to buy stuff.

    And somehow I missed these before...those two Kalypso renders on the first page of the thread are amazing! And I really like that chibi character by Angel, too!

  • ZamuelNowZamuelNow Posts: 753
    edited December 1969

    Angel1359/ZamuelNow: I've heard good things about those DieTrying morphs. Haven't tried them myself yet...I'll have to check them out. They might be a good place to start making characters with Genesis, without having to buy stuff.

    Yep. I don't have the original V4 versions but I use the ones for Genesis in almost all of my Genesis renders. You can see a number of them in my Renderosity gallery:

    anikad: You should try entering something into the current new user Freepository contest for June. Great way to find new freebies and get some practice in:

    Here's a non-entry I did for it (can't repost the actual entries until the contest is over):

    700 x 687 - 48K
  • Angel1359Angel1359 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Well as there was a sale on some of the Genesis products, I decided on the Genesis Evolution: Morph Bundle and V4 & M4 Genesis figures. And here is Genesis Carmen with a Reciecup Rehanna Body Mat.......

    500 x 650 - 69K
    500 x 650 - 89K
  • ZamuelNowZamuelNow Posts: 753
    edited December 1969

    Just a heads up: Several of Phoenix1966's products (including Honorine, Ateba, and Laveau) are being temporarily or permanently discontinued. You've got until the end of the month if you're eyeing some of them. Some may reappear here in the Daz store but it'll likely be a while.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    Thought this fitted here.
    M5 with some of the Genesis Men of character and the ethnic morphs.
    Benjamin texture.

    565 x 800 - 190K
  • Angel1359Angel1359 Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    Here's my Genesis Carmen in another pose, and wearing M4 trousers and wedge shoes that I didn't autofit instead I resized, twisted, rotated and bent to fit.

    Scorpio64Dragon lovely Render.....

    600 x 950 - 76K
    650 x 950 - 43K
    Post edited by Angel1359 on
  • KickAir 8PKickAir 8P Posts: 1,865
    edited December 1969

    M5-Don from Cris Palomino's Men of Character II (Chris said that one's inspired by Don Cheadle) and the texture from Benjamin M5:

    War Machine -- Target Acquired

    667 x 800 - 124K
  • Angel1359Angel1359 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    M5-Don from Cris Palomino's Men of Character II (Chris said that one's inspired by Don Cheadle) and the texture from Benjamin M5:

    War Machine -- Target Acquired

    Love the reflective work and overall image KickAir8P

    This is Ms Genesis Carmen......

    900 x 900 - 74K
  • ZamuelNowZamuelNow Posts: 753
    edited December 1969

    Just experimenting with some stuff.

    700 x 687 - 25K
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    This is the Ovidius texture from Morris with the surface settings tweaked a bit to make it darker.

    565 x 800 - 173K
  • Angel1359Angel1359 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    This is the Ovidius texture from Morris with the surface settings tweaked a bit to make it darker.

    OMG!!!! this is a 'Ovidius texture from Morris'!!!! link needed please ASAP..........Fantastic render by the way.......

  • Angel1359Angel1359 Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    Hi Peeps

    This article looks interesting to try out for people who want to use V4 clothing on the Genesis model without using the Autofit function, which I did discover in a small way in an earlier image that I did in 1 of my previous posts. I will try out and post the results........

    Post edited by Angel1359 on
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