Black Is Beautiful II



  • The Blurst of Times said:

    It was time to render a guy instead of talking about rendering guys, so why not the rightful King of Wakanda? (LOL)

    Not really Killmonger, tho. I don't have scarification morphs, and I didn't try to make the face look like Michael B Jordan... but SamSil's hair is so good here, you can't help but think of Killmonger.

    Base skin is FWSA Kheiron, who was a Centaur 7-era guy. (Makeup choice from Kheiron is my nod to Killmonger's scarification.) This is Genesis 3. The Kheiron skin has a better translucency map than other Genesis 3 maps, but it's just a duplicate of the Diffuse. I made a new set of trans maps to create more interesting skin effects.

    The Blurst of Times, do you know if FWSA Kheiron has a no-eyebrow option? That is a really nice skin.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    The Blurst of Times said:

    Here's a Genesis 8 figure... NOT.

    This one also is Genesis 2!
    Just because it's older doesn't mean you can't work with them.

    I noticed the props that I used were set up for both Genesis 2 and Genesis 3 in the product decriptions.
    So why not go with some Genesis 2?

    IMO, one of the best base figures of the G2M era is Darius 6. If I use Genesis 2, Darius 6 is usually one of the first that I think of.

    He is also, IMO, the best of all the Dariuses (Darii?). Darius 7 and Darius 8 just aren't as good as the Genesis 2 version.
    I usually have to rearrange his face because Darius 6 is so distinctive, it takes me out of the fiction when I see him. Same goes for Victoria 6/7/8 and the Michaels.

    Weirdly, this is your second consecutive post that I only realized wasn't by Hylas after I saw Hylas respond to it.

  • TheMysteryIsThePoint said:

    The Blurst of Times, do you know if FWSA Kheiron has a no-eyebrow option? That is a really nice skin.

    Definitely one of the nicer skins, although I did tweak it with my own translucency maps.
    Even without custom maps, he renders nicely with the choices Sabby/Fred Winkler made with the skin surfaces.

    Unfortunately, he does NOT have the no-brow option. (Pretty rare in Genesis 3-era skins.)

    I'd plug Zev0's "Brow Remover", though.

    Should handle that easily, though I have not tried.

  • The Blurst of Times said:

    TheMysteryIsThePoint said:

    The Blurst of Times, do you know if FWSA Kheiron has a no-eyebrow option? That is a really nice skin.

    Definitely one of the nicer skins, although I did tweak it with my own translucency maps.
    Even without custom maps, he renders nicely with the choices Sabby/Fred Winkler made with the skin surfaces.

    Unfortunately, he does NOT have the no-brow option. (Pretty rare in Genesis 3-era skins.)

    I'd plug Zev0's "Brow Remover", though.

    Should handle that easily, though I have not tried.

    Yes, I really didn't expect it on a G3, but hope, as they say, springs eternal. I haven't had good luck at all with the Brow Remover, but my daughter is a Photoshop wizard and she knows how to fix the other maps as well. Thanks for your reply.

  • csaacsaa Posts: 824
    edited December 2021

    I like the G8F Rayya figure very much. Her facial feature stands well under different light conditions. I've even used her in non photorealistic illustrations (NPR using Sketchy) -- love the way the charcoal lines and shades follow her underlying mesh.





    Post edited by csaa on
  • Morph and skin and eye textures made by my own. Hope you like it
    1920 x 1080 - 2M
  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939

    remcovanembden said:

    Morph and skin and eye textures made by my own. Hope you like it

    I like it a lot. 

  • Thank you so much
  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073


  • Hylas said:


    Thank you, i painted every skin and eye texture plus the normal map is crafted by handm
  • Hylas said:


    Thank you, i painted every skin and eye texture plus the normal map is crafted by hand
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046

    Remcovanembden: Amazing skin texture/morph. There's something very very very slightly less than perfect in the eyes, but dang if I can figure out how one would improve it. Maybe a touch more corneal bulge? Maybe?



  • Oso3D said:

    Remcovanembden: Amazing skin texture/morph. There's something very very very slightly less than perfect in the eyes, but dang if I can figure out how one would improve it. Maybe a touch more corneal bulge? Maybe?



    Yes i know what you mean, i still have to correct the right shape in the bulge
  • Morph and skin and eye textures made by my own. Hope you like it
    Materials this good just serve to show that there is a certain talent required that certain people have, that I just don't :) Really, really excellent work.
  • remcovanembdenremcovanembden Posts: 106
    edited December 2021

    Thank you, but it is not that hard. You just have to respect the rules of nature. It takes just a lot of time, this can also be done in blender or 3Dcoat. If you have the right materials no matter if you use almost one solid color, still looks believable. Photos are not needed anymore, the SSS in the photos will block and make the SSS shader look off.  Just paint what you see not what you want to see. Morphing is basically the same, the problems arise when you morph outside the boundaries of the genesis figure, so you have to make corrections ( inside mouth, eyes and blink morph). 

    TheMysteryIsThePoint said:

    remcovanembden said:

    Morph and skin and eye textures made by my own. Hope you like it

    Materials this good just serve to show that there is a certain talent required that certain people have, that I just don't :) Really, really excellent work.


    Post edited by remcovanembden on
  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    csaa said:

    I like the G8F Rayya figure very much. Her facial feature stands well under different light conditions. I've even used her in non photorealistic illustrations (NPR using Sketchy) -- love the way the charcoal lines and shades follow her underlying mesh.




    I like this render in particular!

    Rayya is on my wishlist (even though I have so many beautiful black female characters already... what is wrong with me)

  • One of these days I'll learn to do my own skin textures, but I have so many figures I have & never use... LOL.

    One of those (never really used) would be Twosret 8.
    Her makeup is really neat for "historical", but also for futuristic stuff, I think.

    I blended her with Mousso's Mirlande, plus Isabelle by DemonicaEvilius & Jessaii.

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670

    nice to see this thread is still active.  I haven't read this thread since September 2015.

  • Converted my Twosret 8 dial-spin to Genesis 3 (because it works better for me and I actually plan to use her for renders)...

    The clothing conversion (via scene ID/joint rotation & bone baking) took a little work, but it was worth it. The pieces are all from different outfits, but I like them together like this.

  • I felt like dialing up another guy... I actually started from Michael 8.1, dialed him mostly out, added Stefon for Silas 8 (and his skin, obviously), a few more dials, including a little Underbelly to get him towards a thicc look. (Too much Underbelly can overwhelm a shape, but a little bit can add good character. Same with Ollie.)

    Clothes from the other store. Somehow, I am able to find male outfits I like in the vast empty wastelands of no-male clothing (LOL). Lyones Number 05 with the Altan texture pack.

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    Blurst with the hot guys again! laugh

    Here's something I threw together quickly. Mostly Tika, a little bit of Darcy, skin of Soraya:


  • remcovanembden said:

    Morph and skin and eye textures made by my own. Hope you like it

    Terrific!  This is a character I would buy

  • LOL, thanks Hylas...
    I do like Darcy also. That's a lot of cuteness to combine Tika and Darcy. laugh


    Post-apocalyptic mood now. (Specifically, "Twilight: 2000"... a tabletop roleplaying game set in the shattered remains of Central Europe devastated by WW3 (including a limited nuclear exchange between NATO and a fictional Soviet Union that didn't collapse in the 90s).)

    I'm not a big fan of Silas 8, but I finally sat down and worked with a piece of him. Started from Genesis 8.1 base, added some Silas (including skin), a big helping of Saiyaness' Fiore because I like his shape, other dials, also Pablo 8.1. Part of the inspiration was Javier Bardem's Anton Chigurh ("No Country for Old Men"), so I wanted a little Latin flavor.

    I used Luthbellina's Dystopian outfit, but I swapped in an American rifle... Polish's ASL-19 Tactical Rifle, which I think is based on the LVOA-C (that is: Low Visibility Operations/Applications Carbine, or LVOA-C). It's a variant of the M-4 Carbine with a distinctive barrel shroud. I used other Polish gun props to swap out the existing optics and add a laser. (You can actually do a lot of customizing with some of the guns in the store... Polish and Porsimo are both good at including attachments as extra props.)

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670

    this post reminds me that I should install Monique 7 tomorrow.

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    The Blurst of Times said:


    He might be the hottest one yet blush

  • Bushy-DoeBushy-Doe Posts: 9
    edited January 2022

    Wow, after years of lurking and posting I didn't know such a post existed here. Good to know! I render mostly POC, since I don't see enough representation in store fronts and Daz galleries from various sites (although, they're improving), so I like to offer something different from the norm, and less typical. For a while, I've been trying to reach the same fidelity as Unreal's Metahumans 

    but instead with Daz Studio. While I'm a little close, I can't quite get there with my Daz 8.1 characters...





    I'm still learning how to use micro-details confidently while adding Daz Iray PBR Skin to G8 and G3 UV's, hoping that helps close the gap, and trying to find a decent dforce breast and theighs, since I've had issues with Hamsters HS dforce set. However, I think I'm getting there, but I could still use improvement and suggesstions.

    Here are a few items I've used to try and boost characters:

    • Goosebumps by TestRender for that little detail needed
    • Lyra by bluejante since most G8F bodies are almost "too" perfect in muscule tone. I find this model to have great modest proportions
    • MegaM by Wartech, like Lyra... this model has modest proportions
    • Imari by Saiyaness, is one of the best UV's for WOC I've encountered. Their skins have always been amazing, I just wish they converted them to 8.1/PBR skin
    • Short Afro Hair by RedzStudio. I often use this as a base. Finding good, believable Afrocentric hair is difficult, but using this in short form always helps

    Oh, and I've added a little attachment showing a character using goosebumps, Imari skin modified with Skin Builder 8 and Short Afro Hair to great effect!

    750 x 971 - 256K
    Post edited by Bushy-Doe on
  • I was just testing some hoop earrings when Ellis for Bridget asked to try them on, on the basis she's a great deal better looking than I am...



  • Nice additions to the thread.

    For me, the hobby user, Iray  is great... but it does take time to feel out your own preferences for the Iray shaders. The new PBR shader is really good, but I've slowly moved back to Iray Uber. I do like that Detail channel a lot in the new PBR shader, though.

    I always like to move the dials in a stylistic way towards the "perfect" shapes... but it's all good to me. Everyone's got their own visual preference.


    Once more, thinking up my Twilight:2k4 crew. I forgot about LAVs, which make sense for a surviving element of the II Marine Expeditionary Force in post-apocalyptic Sweden.

    Heroes and villains frequently blur the line in post-apocalyptic stories, but I'm still liking this guy as my main protagonist (a Recon Marine that takes charge of a band of survivors after the disastrous "Operation Reset").

  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited January 2022

    One more guy for my Twilight:2000 squad... I swear, that's it this time.

    Inspired by a couple fictional characters here. The Judge from Cormac McCarthy's "Blood Meridian", an immortal avatar of war. Also, the sorceror/philosopher Thulsa Doom, played by James Earl Jones (who is a graduate of my alma mater), in the cheesy-great "Conan the Barbarian"... a movie full of memorable performances, including James Earl Jones' ability to capture the camera with his eyes (not just his unmistakable voice), and also the movie that helped make Arnold Schwarzenegger into the global icon that he is today.

    Post edited by The Blurst of Times on
  • I love discovering pretty things in my library that I forgot I purchased, like this mountain backdrop...

    Works nicely for an action hero.

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