Daz website problems

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Is anyone else having issues with the site or is it just on my end? Having lots of lag, magneto and server problems
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Is anyone else having issues with the site or is it just on my end? Having lots of lag, magneto and server problems
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Site is totally screwed again, I can't even log into DS.
I'm not checking out until this is sorted its ridculous.
SHOPPING CART IS EMPTY - no matter what I put in my cart it says it's empty? Makes it kind of hard to shop. Signed out, signed in, turned the computer off then on....still empty.
I've been told it's been sorted, and should settle down soon.. if it's still an issue in 10 mins, can you let us know again.
its dog slow and dropping off
Nothing happens when I click the green Cart button. Although, when I go and look at the cart, the new item is in there. This was just a few minutes ago.
it's 1pm CST in Texas, and I'm getting the swirly and often get that cloud issue page. Even still, all the pages are sllllllllllllllllllllllow to load. For me, it's actually been this way for a few months
Purple Banner won't apply.
Still an issue...
It took five minutes for this page to come up so it is a lot worse
Website loading here, UK Scotland, with only a very slight delay.
Still getting an incredibly slow glitchy store, I'm not prepared to check out when the store is like this, so I hope I can still get at least Zev0's transfer utility tomorrow at the same price.
Yeah shopping is impossible, browsing terribly slow, lot of bad gateway errors. Have a hard time even accessing the shopping cart. I'll keep my money:(
Overwhelmed I suspect. Lots of bad gateway errors. When I applied my purple banner coupon, all the prices jumped up to full price and won't clear.
I am. Put things in my cart. Added the Black Friday coupon. Remember something I forgot. When back to put it in cart. Then the some of the prices on items in the cart increased a lot. It being so slow, it is taking why too much of my time to mess with it.
Ok, it not only increased prices in my cart, but in my wish list too. Sigh.
Can't even load my wishlist - says my personalized data can't be accessed. Well done, Daz! If only Black Friday came every year so you could iron these problems out ...
Probably means it wasn't correctly adjusting for your account (any special offers, PC+ etc.). Also, there was a store sync not long since so that can knock discounts out for a bit.
Some Daz Original prices jumped from 90% off to 50% off (like Ceazarius Short Hair, from 1.80 to 8.98) so I delected them. Cart originally showed them at 1.80, then cart refreshed and showed them at 8.98.
...I sort of expected this today. Store going slow, withlist taking taking a long time to refresh each page. Though picked up about 50$ worth of items for 5.98$.
I can shop, but I'm getting timeout errors upon trying to check out. I SINCERELY hope this is resolved before the sale ends. I have many, many things in my cart (though I can't actually see what they are at the moment!!)
Yeah the site is borked and I have to go to work in a couple of hours... I still have stuff I want to buy but cant
Seems to be slightly less sluggish now (is not timing out about 50% of the time.) Was finally able to prune the cart and check out. I almost feel guilty over how much I saved.
Still telling me the coupon is not valid and I copy paste it...
Hmm... I had no issues with the coupon, just getting into the cart. Remember it's not valid on any new releases, but is valid on gift cards.
Black Friday specials useless due to site not operating.
The site IS operating, just slow. It takes forever to add things to the cart. What I did- I opened the products I was looking at in separate windows. Once I clicked add to cart, I left that page (and kept it open) then went to look at the next product. If I clicked to add it to the cart, I then went back to see if the previous one was added (it usually was by that time) and closed that window. That way I wasn't just sitting around waiting on the added to cart to load.
At one point, I had three separate windows with add to cart waiting to happen, but they all did. If you sit there waiting, you'll never get any shopping done at this rate. This has been absolutely SLOW and yep, got some of those gateway errors about two hours ago, saying it was a host error.
Things are still slow, but I managed to check out without any issues.
I also noticed other sites I've tried to visit today are slow, too. And not just shopping sites. Reloading my Deviant Art page to see if there's been any activity loaded just as slow as any page on Daz today. I'm thinking the entire infrastructure of the internet was put to the test today. It's only going to get worse as more people realize it's a whole lot easier to shop on Black Friday from the comfort of your own chair!
ETA: Here's a screenshot of the first thing I saw when I went to Costco.com…