How copy camera settings
I have a camera A with a certain collections of focal distance, stop et cetera, and I want to copy all these things to a new camera. But when I use the "Copy selected item" function, all I can copy is the camera's location in the room (X,Y,Z). All the other camera attributes do not get copyed this way. So is it possible to copy these things from one camera to the other instead of copy every setting one by one and most definitely screw up along the way?
I only have DS 3 Advanced and DS 4.0 Pro and not the latest DS 4.6 Pro, but my DS 4.0 has an option to Save As > Camera(s) Preset. I would assume you could save the set up as a Camera Preset and then be able to call/import it into a scene at any time, or set up another StartUp Scene named for that specific Camera Preset.
I've never tried saving as a Camera Preset, but I think it would be worth a try.
^It's actually much easier than that.
Select camera 1 in the Scene tab and hit Ctrl+C to copy, now select camera 2 in the Scene tab and hit Ctrl+V to paste the settings.
This will paste location as well as the parameters.
To copy a camera just select it, then in the new camera dialogue click Show options and check Copy Selected item:
Ctrr+C and Ctrl+V work fine for me too. (in ds 4.6)
(I did not think it work for other parameter too, thanks Vaskania)
I tweaked parameters or FOV colors DOF opacity,F stop, FocalDistance etc of CAMERA B
then select CAMERA A ,Ctrl+C, (copy) , select CAMERA B, Ctrl+V (paste)
It can paste all setting of CAMERA A. to B,,,
And If I use Edit>Object>Lock>
"Lock Selected nodes Poze " about Target Cameras,B,C,D etc,,
then use Copy and Paste,
DS only copy and paste the Camera A settings (Focallegnth etc)
without change Location.
Now THAT's a method I didn't think would copy over the parameters of the camera, as well as the location. Niiiiice. I love learning something new every day. :coolsmirk: