Problems Installing Plugins - VWD bridge, HD Morph, GMIC
Copied files to extension folders as per instructions. Getting the following errors.
- Carrara on my new machine is installed on the C: SSD drive, which requires adminstrator privileges. So I had to give permission to copy the files to the extension folder.
The VWD error occurs when starting Carrara. Says can't load mcx file.
The HD morph error occurs when inserting a vertex object. Says can't load mcx file.
GMIC filter appears in scene menu but the list of GMIC libraries is empty

vwd mcx failed to load.jpg
1001 x 545 - 145K

hd morph mcx failed to load.jpg
1854 x 866 - 171K

gmic filter no libraries.jpg
1877 x 922 - 231K
Post edited by Diomede on
Woes! I still don't have a Win 10 machine. Crossing my fingers that Win 10 gurus can help you solve this.
Many other plugins seem to be working. For example, I have successfully tested Philemo's dynamic hair converter.
that's why I don't install any 3D software to the Program Files folder in Windows
Where do you install your programs?
VWD required Python to be installed.
Still getting the error for the HD morph plugin, and the GMIC filter library remains empty.
After installing Python, was able to start Carrara without the VWD mcx error and do a simple VWD test with a plane and a cube.

Yeah, I really should install on my other drive, but in theory the programs are supposed to be installed to the SSD.
i install to a logical partition on my single 2tb drive. i've always set rhe partition as E:
in case something i saved, saved with a literal path, rather than a relative path. learned the hard way, in poser 4, lol
do you launch carrara with the run as administator set?
Yay - GMIC Plugin is Now Working
I downloaded the zip file again. I must have had an outdated version in my zip archives.
Here is the page to download some of Philemo's plugins. After getting a new computer, I guess I should have known to check for current updates.
The HD plugin is not working yet. Have to pause now. Will check if it is another version problem tomorrow.
Good advice. I had tried the administrator thing but that wasn't the problem.
Programs on a 2nd internal drive and Poser/Daz/Other content on a 3rd internal drive :-)
yeah I let everything install to default on this PC too and cannot use most my third party plugins
I didn't worry as much as still have the other PC but in hindsight it was likely the main issue
I'm hoping that all of your plugins will install fine on the C drive. Appreciate you sharing your experience, as I will be going there soon.
Hi Diomede,
What kind of issue do you have with the HD plugin ?
When I insert a vertex object in a scene, I get a message telling me that the HD morph mcx file failed to load. This occurs even if I am inserting a blank vertex object into a blank scene, without any HD morphs.
That's weird. This one doesn't have any dependencies, like GMIC or VWD do.
The only reason I can think of is some kind of identifier conflict with an other plugin.
What plugins have you installed apart from mine ?
So far, I've installed
- some Fenric packs, including the ERC, Baker, Unlock Figure, Shader Tools
- some DCG plugins, including Cognito, Anything Grows, Anything Grooves
- some of yours, including the bridge to VWD, Phong Tessalation, Hair Converter, GMIC
Examples of what I have not installed yet
- YAToon
- Fluidos
- Some Sparrowhawke such as the replication shader randomizer or chains circle.
I've got ERC, the complete DCG pack and Fluidos, and, of course, all of mine.No issue there.
I've uploaded a new version with different identifiers. It should solve any conflict if this was the problem.
Please keep me posted.
Good seeing you back Philemo. Been worried about you.
Must be a different problem. I downloaded and replaced the HD Morph plugin files in the extensions folder. Still get an error when I enter the vertex modeling room.
Maybe it is a Windows Administrator permissions thing.
Thanks for the incredibly fast response, Philemo.
I remember having this happen way back and have forgotten what caused it, it was if I recall user error in my case but what it was eludes me now
whats worse is I actually found the post and I had edited it and said NM user error
Hmm, maybe I'm placing the files in the wrong place?
I unzipped the HD Morph download. I copied the results to my extensions folder in Carrara. I also copied the scripts folder to my Daz Studio installation. Could that be it? Some sort of double script reference?
I had some good reasons to be away from Carrara for a while. Went on holydays, got married, went on honeymoon, worked like mad to make up for the time I spent doing all this.
I'm back now :-)
Would you mind doing this little experiment:
Insert a sphere primitive
if no issue, go to modifier tab for that sphere and try to add the HD plugin modifier.
I have utterly no idea except it was something extremely stupid I did, so stupid I edited my post and chose to forget it
my brain now refuses to recall it
Awesome! Very happy to hear.

Congrats, Philemo!!!!! Such great reasons to be away from Carrara.
I did the test with the primitive sphere. The menu option for your HD Morph is there in the modifiers tab, but I get an error message when applying it to the primitive sphere.
i think I simply forgot to import my object first
Awesome! Congratulations!!!