Fibermesh Eyebrows, how to remove the "paint"?
Just got Jenni 8. The promo pic shows great fibrous eyebrows, nicely groomed, which tipped the sales for me. How can I achieve that in a render? I keep getting some kind of background under and around the fibers, which I guess is supposed to be eyebrow pencil, but I don't want heavyily penciled eyebrows, I want just the hairs. I have randomly tried different settings in Surfaces panel, but I never get just fibers, the Selector gets a wide outline. I tried the "thicker-thinner" morph for Jenni's brows morph in Parameters. Doesn't do much. The Selector for Surfaces tool just outlines a wide area not just the hairs. I need some help with this.
Post edited by Chohole on
Did you check if there is a mat preset "face without eyebrows" ? If no: the brow remover script from Zev0 (in sale) could could be your solution. The other solution could be to do it manually in photoshop for example
The product page says there are presets with and without brows, for the base materials. If you want to use the brows with a diferent set of materials you will need to check its options and, as smaker1 says, use Brow Remover if necessary (or manually copy a section of skin to a new image offset to cover the brows and apply it through the Layered Image Editor).
@smaker1, thank you for replying. However, I am using the "no eyebrows" mat, with the Jenni 8 eyebrow "attachment".
@Richard Hasetine, thank you for replying. Since the eyebrows I've tried came with Jenni 8 (no eyebrow mat), Victoria 8 and a separate product, Luxe Eyelashes and Eyebrows, they are a separate 'prop' to accept the materials from each product, Jenni 8, Victoria 8 and the Luxe.
The preview looks great with the individual hairs showing against the skin, but in render, it's the solid shape with no skin showing through the hairs. I also tried Victoria 8 eyebrow attachment, and Luxe eyebrows. Since they all render without distinct hairs, I guessed that's something to do with the surface settings. Thank you for the post render suggestions. It may come to that.
When you hide the fiber brows and do a render, it's just bare skin under there?
ah, you have pointed out something. I still don't know exactly what I did, but, somehow I had two different layers of eyebrows on Jenni 8, which created the opacity of the brow in rendering, even though only the attachment eyebrow showed in preview. So that was a great clue!
ah glad you got it sorted