What the ?? My objects get replaced by boxes !

Yep. It started small – things like a staff or sword> when opening up a scene in Carrara 8.5: I would get the message that object descriptions are missing, with the options to either cancel opening, or letting Carrara replace the undefined object with a cube.
in my latest scene with a Genesis 2 character and several clothing items and props attached, every last object got replaced by a cube! This is rediculous. Can someone please offer a solution?
Post edited by cobusp on
there is a thread on this topic with a solution. in this forum. Stezza had the answer iirc
Thank you. i wil try to find the thread. Is there a way to trace a user and communicate directly?
i have done a search under “Stezza” on the forums and found several threads where her (?) name pops up, albeit nothing on the topic.
i searched my bookmarks, no luck finding it yet
More often than not, the cause for this occur during the Save process - something going wrong. Fenric advised us all to Never select Okay when asked to save when we're closing a file in Carrara, as it might cause problems. Instead, cancel the close, then save, then close the scene.
Folks have reported issues when Saving with Compression. I ignored this one for a long time, but after having it happen to me, decided to quit compressing my saves.
it tends to happen if parented, unparented not so much
please try to learn to spell ridiculous, this is the second time you typed it wrong, not meaning to be a spelling nazi but that word is causing you problems and you might need to use it in a paper or resume or something one day.
Thanks, yes, it happens with props parented to my characters! But what is the solution? Hopefully what Dartanbeck mentioned concerning saving, but I will also go check out the thread. Thank you! And thanks WendyluvsCatz for pointing out my incorrect spelling ;-D