A little Help With Lights Please
This is probably just a simple question. When ever I create a light in Daz 3d Studio. The light pops into the scene, and blacks out the entire scene. I know that I must reposition the light source so that it will shine on my objects within the scene. How do I go about doing this.? This is the first time I have ever started to use the light creation tools.
Please write back soon, and tell me what I'm doing wrong, and how to correct this. Your support from yall has always been fantastic, and I sure do thank you..
Thanks again
You select the Light in the Scene tab and then can move it with any tool just like any other prop. You can also use the Camera drop down and select the light and LOOK through it like a camera, that helps get them aimed just right.
When it goes black after loading a light you can always turn the Preview (some call it the Headlamp) light back on CTRL (CMD for Mac) + L to toggle it on/off so you can what you are doing. But I do advise leaving the preview light off for the most part when setting up lights.