The Crease in Lower Lip

in The Commons
I don't know what to call it. Found some interesting lists of what facial features are named, but I still don't know. I was looking at some newer models that have a feature I am not familiar with. The lower lip has a line that runs in the middle from the outer rim of the lip over the lip to the inside. See attached of an example. I would like to know how if it possible to modify the lips of a model with that kind of lip to a smooth surfaced lip. (snip from Face Bruises by FenixPhoenix)

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Would depend if it's modeled in or done through a map (e.g. normals).
If it's modeled then this would fix it -
Wow! Exactly what I needed! "Bee Bite"--looked up the product you recommended and it looks very useful as well as changing the lip shape. It's even on sale! Thank you!
@Chris Palomino
thank you both for the suggestion of a "modeled-in" lip morph. I didn't know if the models' faces were modeled. I think the "Mesh Grabber" looks very interesting. I tried usind the D-former, but I never seemed to get my target right.
I have the Clarke Gen 3/8 models. She has a bit of the 'Bee Bite', so I tried out the ej-face-morphs-and-details-for-genesis-8-females on her lower lip, which was easily found in the panel, and the lip morph easily adjusted. It's great to have the ability to fine tune such details.
I think the Mesh Grabber will be good for things, like 'snags', or coats opened away from the neck, hair that won't get out of the face, etc.
I like the middle crease and there are some morphs in genesis 9 that do it but mostly if you diall it up the crease starts to become too wide. So there are some HD morphs that have it, but unfortunately they always seem to put ugly bumpiness on the rest of the lip as well. I would like an HD morph that just does the centre line crease without other creases ie so the rest of the lips are smooth. Is there such a thing does anyone know?