3 Minute Carrara Animation - "The Mate's Crate"

The Carrara animation was done for a contest with the theme "Lost Toys", but for some technical reason could not upload to the contest. Anyway, here it is, I hope you enjoy it.

Sawney On Crate 1200x675 Automagic Ultimate Gen2 Graphite Pencil.JPG
1200 x 675 - 901K
Classic, now did I see Johnny Depp in there ? :)
lol ghost pirate dance
Hey , nice looking animation..
Thanks, folks. No, not Depp, he charges too much. Its Keith Richards ...
Wonderful animation. I really enjoyed it. Sorry about the upload issue.
Maybe Depp can be in the sequel acting like Richards.
That guy looks a lot like me at some of my gigs! LOL But I'd don't do the goatee anymore.
That's a real bummer that it wouldn't upload. Cool show! Love your work, my friend!
Thanks, Dartanbeck. Yeah, I was disappointed. The moderator asked me to upload it to DropBox so he could try to upload it. That worked fine and it played from there. He could not upload it to the contest, either, so he sent it to the admins and programmers, but no solution. And, of course, it uploaded to YouTube. Ah, well, win some, lose some and some get rained out.