How are made that hair promo reflections?
There is a creator of hairs (I don't know the name) that his hairs are always very cool, but in the promos there are always like awesome reflections, but then when I render they are never there, I suppose they are not set up in the surfaces, I don't know why, and when I render they always seem dull compared to promos or compared to other hairs.
I am talking of this:
The strange thing is with april or swam hairs i obtain good reflections but never with this creator, and I would like to achive the same as promos, so is there a way through surfaces? anybody know how? or is just photoshop in the promos?
I bought this hair, looking at the hair surfaces in DS there is no actual reflection in place, (it tends not too look very good on hair anyway - often makes it a bit metallic or glass like.)
However I don't think its just post work given that the effect is present in all their promos - post work in those is not permitted by Daz.
If I render with default studio lighting it looks very flat, but with proper lighting, e.g dimension theory lights it looks more like the promo pictured. Are you using enough light on it?
Try adding a spotlight positioned same as render camera, but set illumination to specular only.
^ ahh yes, what he said :)
Yea, those aren't reflections. They're called specular highlights. What Jabba said will achieve it.
I think is not that, is not that there isnt reflections, is that are no so awsome or full of life like the promos, I will put an example, it has 2 specular lights, one in the back, one in the front and is set 100% intensity, still specially the top reflections don't appear, while in april hairs (image 2) has more reflection, I even should lower the intensity to not look so shiny, but is just an example.
The specular intensity on the hair is also 100%, so maybe is the specular texture that is wrong or is made for poser and not optimized for daz?
there is no render badge on the promo, can't be sure it's rendered in DS or by 3Delight.
Yep the glosiness helped, it was set to 50% by defoult, so i set up to 20, and was better. Still is hard to achive the daz promo results, the hair seems is has gradient and for some reason my reflections are crispy while daz are softer, maybe they have an awesome light rig or maybe is photoshop, or I am thinking they use a custom HDRI light, I suppose I will never know.
But I ended with this, 1st image straight render and 2 image retouched with photoshop to add gradient and brighteness.
Check the lighting in the render. Looks like it may have even lighting via a dome like UE and then another light off to the right of her. These "gradients" you're seeing, could be the result of light and shadow from the secondary light.