color fitting for extra body parts
Hi, I added an anatomical body Part (I guess thats how you call it here).
and it looks like this:
So... how can I make sure it fit more to the bodyskin? does it... simply not work if I use a custom body skin + anatomical (or however called 'here') thing on it?
I hope the pic is SFW okay :) I am sadly not experienced with the surface/color management
Post edited by Loony on
Does the skin you are using include maps for the anatomical elements?
I assume not... so I need skins who have the anatomical parts also in the bundle?
Yes, othrwise there will be at least some discontinuity - especially, though not solely, with the male sets.
hmm yeah okay. the bad thing with 3d :/ in GImp I could easy recolor it, but then I will have to retouch every image where it will be visible (dont think I make anyway much front pics...)