Single Dial Morph [SDM]

AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718


This is more of an intellectual curiosity than a genuine, immediate problem. 

I tend to save my characters as a Single Dial Morph [SDM]. Why? Because it's quicker to change a scene. I can duplicate a figure, dial out the SDM and dial in another. It can take what seems way too long to load a new figure into a scene. 

The question. I have a lot of characters that use the same basic body shape which is also an SDM, this then means I have SDM's that use other SDM's. If I wanted to share an SDM with a friend would that friend need to have all the SDM's used or would his/her system understand what that 'nested' SDM links to? So, as long as the friend had all the morphs used for the SDM's would they be okay?



Post edited by AbnerK on


  • You would ned to supply all the SDMs, the sliders don't record the ramifications of any further links but only the link to the immediate sub-component.

  • AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718

    You would ned to supply all the SDMs, the sliders don't record the ramifications of any further links but only the link to the immediate sub-component.

    Ah, I feared as much. Thank you.  

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