Help? Missing Morphs for Victoria 4.2?
Posts: 59
I just noticed this today.
I am not sure how this happened, but my Victoria 4.2 figure, has lost all of it's customizability, except for "Malebody", and "MaleBody NoScale".
I tried the Fix Multiple Legacy Figure Scene.dsa, but that reported 0 needed fixes, so that appears to be unneeded.
I suspect somehow the injected from the Victoria 4++ morphs pack have been lost, is there someway to add that back in, within recreating the entire scene?
Any suggestions?
Make sure you have only one Runtime with a "Runtime:Libraries:!DAZ:Victoria 4" folder, then go to the "Runtime:Libraries:!DAZ" folder and run DzCreateExPFiles-V4.bat (.COMMAND on Mac).
As far as I can tell, there is only one !DAZ folder, and I ran the DzCreateExPFiles-V4.command, and it seemed to create the files, without any obvious change in the existing files.
The results are below.
If I create a new Victoria Figure, everything seems to be fine. The morph controls are there, but they are surrounded by a blue box, which I don't remember ever seeing before. And if I right click in the controls window, I have an option for EDIT Mode, which I also never remember seeing.
- Ben
So the one you're having trouble with is in a saved scene, not freshly loaded -- what version was it saved in, and what version are you opening it in? Was it saved to a DS-format content folder?
The current version of DS pro 64 bit.
The file has been saved as a standard DUF file, but I did experiment with it as a Scene Asset and Subset file. But I believe those files never touch the base file. I used them to import into another file (which has the same problem).
It has been saved to my Documents folder (not to the DAZ folders).
- Benjamin
If you load a fresh V4 from the .cr2, inject morphs, and save the scene, does it work when reopened?