Feature Request Parent Search
I havea very simple feature request for the Software, when I wanna parent an object its annoying that ALL nodes are expanded.
1. collapse them so I can expand them bymyself.
2. Add at the top please a search! Most times I parent stuff to hands, so I mainly search just for "hand".
This would make my progress a bit more happy, the parent window is always frustrating :(
I know I could try it via Drag/drop but when I write hand, my item will be gone... because I normally dont parent a hand into a hand :)
You can use drag-and-drop in the Scene pane for parenting, which has a label filter and right-click options for expanding/collapsing the trees.
but I did tell the problem... if you write "hand" in the filter but you have a prop called... cup, it will hide the prop you want to move.
And Drag & Drop also is not so helpful if you have too much stuff in the scene.
So it needs additional to the Filter a option that the actual marked item dont get hidden when you filter unless you unselect it. Then we can use the normal scene system. So the actual selected item ignores the filter. Would be a easy solution.
DS does come with a SnapParent script, which lets you select a prop and a bone (but is useful only if you don't want to parent in place). It would be fairly simple to write a script that would parent selected nodes to the primary selection, I would think, without changing their position. I do have a script that will let you select by label that might be useful too https://www.dropbox.com/s/z6ceaiasl8ll5u6/RHSelectionTools.zip?dl=0
What does that script do? what does that mean select by label? :D
I just looked over the Readme and... that script is nothing for me.
It can be used to select item(s) by their label, so if the things you wanted to get had unique labels you could select them without having to find them in the Scene pane then use a script to parent (or the DS Snap Parent script).
still looks to complex for me xD I want it simple :)
Just had an great INSTANT Crash :D did try to drag& drop my stuff to parent it around... and did misslanded on a D-Former ... and instant killed the software, I'm happy I did just save and there was no changes unless some parenting...
so... Drag& Drop can kill all of your work instant if you parent to the wrong.... like to a D-former ^_^