How to change default values for Genesis 8 Basic Female morphs or reset it to default? [solved]
1. I faced an issue with Duplicate Formulas for Genesis 8 Female and tried to solve it as it described in topic "Duplicate Formulas Error Solved! Thank you Bejaymac!" (
2. But I did those steps (change Cheeks Size morph that caused error and Save Modified Assets) not for default Genesis 8 Female but for already morphed one.
3. Duplicate Formulas error is gone. BUT now I have another issue: then I load a default Genesis 8 Basic Female, it have some shapings and posings from my G8F character (screenshot 1). So all my other G8F characters now have unexpected morphs after loading.
4. Selecting 0% for those shapings and posings and 'Save Modified Assets' have no effect, because Raw value is not 0% (screenshot 2), so after Genesis 8 Female reloading default value wouldn't be 0%.
I tried to reinstall Genesis 8 Basic Female with no effect. It seems like problem is not in Genesis 8 Basic Female files itself but in asset files or something. I also cannot edit them directly because Raw field is uneditable.
Please help me)
The problem is indeed not G8F herself but a morph file saved with non-zero default value. It's most probably not the morphs from your screenshots directly but rather a "control slider" for a character which triggers those morphs.
You need to identify this slider and correct the default value, then re-save that morph asset.
Oh, thank you soooo much for your brilliant clue) I found that character's morph and reinstalled it!
I am facing the same problem (the hip y-translation parameter raw value is non-zero) and because of this, the clothes don't fit that particular figure (e.g. panties are shifted up vertically).
In my case, this only happens with that particular figure. If I load a new default G8F figure into the scene, the problem goes away. I can also change that G8F default figure to the same shape, by changing the figure-related dials. The panties still fit correctly, in this case.
The problem is, this kind of issue happens a lot -- and I have no clue what causes it, or how I can go about systematically troubleshooting and resolving it. At first I thought it was related to some setting in the timeline. But I deleted the first key (frame 0 -- it looks like I was on frame 25 all this time, probably due to reusing this scene for a while and having done something earlier with dforce), so now it doesn't show any more keys -- meaning, it's not Timeline related, although the Timeline discrepancy (before I deleted it, the hip had a raw y-trans. value of 0 at frame 0) does seem to indicate that this happened somewhere in-between (i.e. I switched to frame 25 and sometime after that, somehow the default raw changed to -11).
Like I said, I run into this kind of problem a lot. The other problem is that occasionally, limbs want to assume some kind of weird rotation when I use the universal pointer to move them. For example, if I select a hand and try to move it, usually when something is wrong it takes a few moments for the limb to start moving (this is a function of time -- probably it's busy calculating -- and unrelated to how far I move the pointer) and when the limb finally does start to move, in the severest cases it jumps to a particular position and the limb assumes a position/configuration which it is reluctant to change away from (using the universal controller -- this problem does not affect the active pose tool). A probably related problem is that when I try to use V3Digitimes' Pose Master script and try to manipulate a limb that's affected by this problem, that limb starts to twist in a direction that's unrelated to where I'm moving the bone -- .e.g. if the right thigh is affected and I try to move the right foot to the left, then the thigh begins to twist the other way and the script tries to compensate by e.g. maximally rotating the shin to the left, etc.).
I noticed that the Active Pose Tool pane has a button to reset selected bone/figure stiffness (in fact, it also has stiffness parameters for each bone). But in my case something similar to that stiffness parameter seems to happen (a lot), but only when using the universal tool for posing (so Inverse Kinematics chain-related? I'm not very familiar with that topic). Any insight -- especially conceptual -- would be greatly appreciated.
Update: after I removed the keys for frame 0, the raw value for y-trans. for the hip bone changed from -11 to -2.74. However, it is still offset (the clothes fit better, but still not right) and now there are no more keys left to be deleted. So the problem essentially remains.
Also, while deleting the keys, I noticed a sub-window in in the timeline pane, directly under the one that shows the keys for different frames as small upside-down triangles, IIRC. When I have the hip highlighted, I "sometimes" see in the window underneath the words "hip y-translation" in green (once for some reason in light blue) on the left and a (frequently horizontal) line that's continuous and spans the entire visible timeline on the right. If I change the y-trans. slider for any frame, the slope(s) of the green line change(s) (to either side), to accommodate the new value. Sometimes when I change the selection (e.g. from hip to pelvis), then change back, both description and plot seem to disappear (meaning, with the hip selected, the sub-window shows nothing). More recently, when I switched to it, the color showed up as light blue, instead of green.