"nan" values between keyframes ?!
Now this is something I have not seen before:
I put a bunch of props in a group hierarchy (2 levels) and did some simple animation (just translation along one axis) with the groups. Now that I have the rest of the scene ready and started rendering the animation, I noticed that the entire parent group just disappeared between the keyframes. And so I went on to inspect the scene and discovered that the parent as well as the child groups have their translation, rotate and scale values set to "nan" in all interpolated frames (and they also disappear in the viewport). The keyframes look fine and the groups are all where they are supposed to be in them. I have no idea how this is even possible or how to reproduce this issue, but that's the way the (persisted) scene currently is.
My only idea on how to fix this is to create new groups, move the objects there, apply the same translation values I had and hope this does not happen again.
Just posting this here because I am curious whether anyone else has stumbled upon this and whether there's an easier fix for this issue.
The individual objects in that hierarchy suffer from the same problem ("nan" values), and another thing that's weird:
The lables in DS for the translation properties vary. I see "xtran" or "xTrans" instead of the usual "X Translate". I am quite certain that I have never touched these labels in the parameters settings before.
What version of Daz Studio are you running., 4.12.1 40 Public Beta? If you save the scene, close Daz Studio and reload it, does the scene have the same problem? If so, send a help request to Daz and attach the scene so they can examine it. Maybe you found a bug they need to fix.
I tried to reproduce this in DS, using your description of the scene. I used primitives. I couldn't see a problem Nothing disappeared. Maybe my scene doesn't represent your description, or maybe the issue is related to the props you used or something else in your scene. Your best bet is probably still to submit the bad scene to Daz.
I think it may be related to moving keyframes on the timeline, but I still have not been able to reproduce it with a fresh scene. And I have in fact another similar group hierarchy in the same scene which remained intact.
Weird. I am running here.I guess I will submit it after clearing everything else from the scene.
NAN means Not A Number. I'd guess that something in the save file got corrupted to an out of range value.
Check in tyhe beta before submitting a ticket - if the issue remains there it will eliminate one step, otherwise support will ask this
Does Customer Service really require customers to install Beta software before filing a ticket about problems with a released version? I thought the use of Beta software was strictly optional.
They will want to know if the issue is already fixed in the beta, though. That is part of the reason for public betas.