Hints needed for Decals and Costume Props


I'm working on a project that has a number of different kinds of uniforms, and I am having problems anchoring decals or ornamental props (pins, badges, etc.) to a figure so that they stay positioned from one pose to the next. I am parenting the decal or prop to the geometry area that the object is adjacent to and should presumably inherit it's positional and rotational data, but they are sliding all over the place. Anything I parent to the hands seems to inherit just fine, but the pieces like decals or badges and pins and so forth end up all over the place when I repose the figure.

Any thoughts or hints or clues or outright solutions appreciated!



  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    I usually parent to the body part that is under the object.

  • TomDowdTomDowd Posts: 198

    That's what I'm doing and they still slide everywhere. Part of the problem may be that some of the body parts - like a jacket collar - are curved ... not sure.


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,546

    I think that because the decals are not conforming, they project onto the underlying surface relative to some reference point, regardless of how the surface itself moves.

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