what is a splat? what it for?

if i try to convert to a vertex obj, it has no geometry

840 x 476 - 95K

692 x 353 - 18K

633 x 406 - 86K
if i try to convert to a vertex obj, it has no geometry
"A Splat primitive is a billboard plane that always faces the camera, and is most often used to display textures that have alpha channels. For example, you can use a Splat primitive, and apply a rendered tree for a texture, using an alpha channel to remove the solid background color. Repeat the Splat object several times and you can have a forest without the geometry overhead." I don't use this much, but I do use billboard trees that I bought, gives a nice background and hides the horizon line.
couldn't put a hdri image on it. the milkyway hdr not gicing much light to the scene.
the curve woulda been good for a deathstar attack
oh gahhh, that horizon line. i tried to lower it -10000.00 in but is still rendering.
rendering some terrains bg
reminds me, better buy toilet duck ...
That looks exactly like a naked Vicky in a temple with a sword.
- or maybe it is a rorschach test.
think it might be a radical isotope lol
there no way to render a hdr image on a plain or a prop?
can bryce do it?
You set HDRI up in the lighting lab
i want the image
if you have Affinity photo then you can load a HDRI into it and then save out in another format like jpg
is the colors in the hdr supposed to bleed into the render?
mebbe its a dud.
i vaguely remember AoA found a way to line up a scene with the 'the sun' in an hdr
Yeah... I see the same thing!!!
@chohle very cool splat!!!
That was Dimention Theory. He lines up the sun of a IBL map. I believe he might even have some products that use that (?)