Wondering if I'm over thinking this.. (mirroring a morph)
I posted another question, to which I'm still working on. So I guess I'm fighting a battle on two fronts. But.. What I was trying to do just now, I figured out how to do. But, I'm wondering if anyone out there knows if there's a better/easier way. I might be making it way more difficult than it has to be.
What I'm trying to do is reverse a facial expression morph along the Y plane, like a mirror image. The method I've figured out is the following (and I'll add an illustration if this is TL;DR).
1. Go into the property edit mode of the morphs.
2. Open the property hierarchy.
3. Copy all of the data.
4. Use it as a template to copy and paste each individual adjustment to the opposite bone property (swapping positive and negative as appropriate).
This will most likely take the better part of a whole day if I set asside a whole day just to do this. It might be the only way. I understand fully that anything worth doing is worth doing right and it's not going to be easy, but to be honest.. Daz is just fun for me and even the thought of this sucks all the fun right out of it. So.. Does anyone know another way? Am I really just making this job way harder than it has to be? lol
Maybe this method would work?
There are a few options to work with in that tab.