dForce strangeness with Corduroy Jumper Outfit
Posts: 5,997
I have a dForce strangeness with Corduroy Jumper Outfit where if I do a staic (urrent pse) simulation with Start Bones from memorized Pose set to On the skirt portion of the dress suddenly disappears sometime before halfway through the simulation (different amount of time depending on the pose - I have tried a few), but if I set it to Off the simulation runs fine and notheing untoward happens.
Hmm, it's very close to being returned as the straps do not settle on to the shoulders, not even with an animated drape with plenty of settle time at the end.
Try increasing the number of subframes or iterations in the Quality section of Simulation Settings - that sometimes helps with difficult items. Also, don't forget to restart if you've had a really odd result.
Doubled both settings and no change - still an air-gap between shoulder straps and everything else.
It may have fixed the suddenly disappearing skirt part, which still confuses me as the while item is but one material zone so it shares the same settings, why doesn't the rest of it go too? ;)
The straps may not be dynamic. Check the Dynamic Strength setting on their su rafce and/or add a dForce Weight Access node from the Create menu and check the influence map
The straps are all part of the same material zone as the dress (it has just the one material zone), so nothing to do there, unless to impact the entire item.
In which case check the influence weights.
Would love to (maybe!) if I knew where to look for them. But this seems a bit extreme, surely? I am not a card carrying member of the 'make art' button pushers, but I do expect a product to work (especially on a base figuire with it's own underlying garmenst) without having to perform 'open heart surgery' ..
Simply put, if I have a base G8F wear the sweater and dress over the top, with the product being advertised as being dForce I expect things like the shoulder straps to settle on something, not hover in mid-air (this is one of the main reasons I look for, and like, dForce items).
Straps can be hard to get working in dForce, though I agree if they float and have no adjustment morphs that is disappointing. To check the state of the weights, Create>New dForce Weight Access Node, switch to the Node Weightmap Brush tool, in Tool Settings look to see if there is an Influnece Weights map in the list of applied maps, if there is select it and look at the colour of the overlay - red is strength 1, blue is strength 0 (it may be easier to see in a non-textured view mode).
I am out at the moment, but will look at that when I get back home. Thanks for the assistance.
I do have the set, now I've sntalled it only the skirt is dynamic (though the buttons on the top are set as Rigid Follow Nodes). However, the straps are sitting down OK for me - check that you don't have one of the adjusemnts for loosening them applied. I'll do some test renders of the materials, then try extending the active area.
Well, the area where the straps join the front goes a bit wobbly and the straps are a little irregular - I applied a smoothin modifier here - but with the collision settings set to Best it does drape without going boom (in this pose).
Oooookay .... um ... wow? I'll have a look at your suggestions with the weight mapping, but I strongly think I am asking for money back on this one.
The buttons and/or rigid follow nodes tore a hole in the bib when I tried the simulation. Sadly as I quite like the item, the faffing about to actually get it to wrok, plus teh feeling of having been misled (should it be titled half dForce dress?) means I am about to request a refund.I tend to mix and match stuff and if I cannot guarantee it is going to 'play nicely' by being dForce (or more correctly not fully dForce enabled), that all just goes to annoy me more than the niceness of the item pleases me, so on balance ... back it goes
The Smoothing Modifier fixed the buttons for me, and they are adjustable (one of the benefits of Rigid Follow Nodes) but it's obviously totally your call how much fiddling it's worth. There are other similar outfits in the store, whicy mighy bear looking at.
This outfit is in Fast Grab. Did it ever get an update?
I don't recall an update, as I said above it is usable (I can't recall how much attention it needed out of the box and how much of the above was trying to tweak the way it worked).
Edit: it seems to work as-is for me, I think this has always been the case:
Okie dokie. Thanks for checking into it.
Picked this up as my Christmas present. The dress dForced okay in a standing pose, but the belt distorts if you blow on it, and since there's no separate material zone, you can't hide it and replace it with an accessory. Mesh Grabber does an okay job of correcting the distortion, though. However, the rest of the outfit, especially the turtleneck is nice, as are the few supplied textures. In the end, it's rare to find an outfit like this that does a decent job of covering the breasts, so pretty happy with it.