How do I calculate Transmitted & SSS color RGB values to achieve a desired RGB skin color tone?

I want Genesis skin to be tan. I know the tan color I want, but I don't know how to set the transmitted & sss colors to achieve the exact skin tone color I want.

Given the following values, how do I calculcate the unknown RGB color values of Transmitted and SSS color?

Base Color = R: 255, G: 255, B: 255
Translucency Color = R: 255, G: 255, B: 255
Transmitted Color = R, G, B (unknown values)
SSS Color = R, G, B (unknown values)
Desired Skin Tone Color = R: 204, G: 153, B: 102

There should be some kind of calculcator, where you punch in the desired skin tone color you want, then the transmitted and sss RGB colors get set automatically. Does anyone know the equation by any chance?


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