Content not usable after reinstallation of DAZ Studio
A few days ago I installed DAZ Studio without the install manager on Windows 10. Everything worked fine. Then I found the Install Manager and wanted to give it a try. But install manager didn't find the installed stuff, including Studio. So I decided to uninstall all, Studio, Content, Install Manager and try a complete fresh install using Install Manager.
Everything looks fine. I can load my Victoria 4.2 into the scene. But when I try changing the material via the Smart Content tab it complains about not finding the file "/People/Genesis 3 Female/Materials/Jeane All MAT.duf". It looks like a Linux path with it's forward slashes, but that maybe normal.
So I looked at my Library directory which is configured to be in "D:/Home/Thorsten/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library". The file is there. I tried several Skins, all the same problem.
Any idea?
Another strange thing: DAZ programs does not show up in Windows 10 start menu and also not under installed programs in control panel. And most of my DAZ assets apear double. One in "Daz Connect" and one in "My Library".
The forward slashes are how folder separators are written to DSON files, so that's normal.
It does sound as if there are both Connect and DIM/manual installs in the database - and the Connect files are not being found. Please open the Content Directory Manager (Edit>Preferences, or Daz Studio>Preferences for a Mac, then use the button in the Content tab) and expand to show all the current paths, then post a screen shot of the dialogue here.