anyone come across a carrara fur preset for dog 8?

anyone come across a carrara fur preset for dog 8?
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anyone come across a carrara fur preset for dog 8?
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have any Carrara users purchased Dog 8?
I haven't .. and haven't noticed any images of any either being posted. hmmmm...
i'm very behind on my installs.
tee hee i need to decide on my doggie style
Dog 8 needs to be converted to Blended Weight -
French Bulldog pic posted, done a few others as well !
with so many images it all gets lost in the mix
I remember them now you mention it, though didn't realise they were dog8 ..
I have used the Benji fur on other woofers, I did a few crappy videos with Carrara fur too but nothing memorable
I also use the Mil Dog & Pup as they have more breeds than Dog 8, was thinking about getting the Hivewire one as well.
EDIT: Got the Lorez Dog, need to do a few more renders with that one !
while the Dforce hair is PA only the strand based hair is available to all
my question is how much of this is accesible in the API
could someone use the information to convert to Carrara hair parameters?
the Carrara hair is actually readable in a text editor so in theory one would not even need to use the SDK
rather populate a .car file with the right values
still beyond my skillset
the big drawback to LAMH was it was encrypted I could not read those files and had trouble getting the density maps out
these are actually user facing files in DAZ studio Strand based hair
hya I have made a few presets I'll upload them when I get a chance - my dropbox is full - - recently discovered you can use a texture map for the hair denity thickness and length distribution in the hair shader
not perfect but you can blurr the distribution shader near the paws
the strand based hair as I said has actual density maps in the runtime texture folders
Ah thtank goodness ! I sorry I missed that. save me opening a drop box account :) cheers
Using the Dog 8 German Shepherd density map
my furs are horrifying
Would love to see these when you have time to post them to Dropbox.... I have experimented a bit, but never seem to get the fore-leg and paw areas right... tails, and ears, too for that matter. So a sample of length and density maps would be amazing!
very nice El Bunyip02 :)
crazy mad person Wendy the best - couldnt see the desnity maps in the textures folder
SileneUK - here's couple rough and not so rough - just a metter of blending the blacks and whites to your taste and dropping it into the density part of the shader
I trimmed some of the area by hand in the hair room
to use - drop the car file in your objects folder, then you can drag it onto the dog - you have to add that dogs texture file to the hair colour shader of course (roiot and tip)
there's quick whiskers one as well
hopefully one will work okay? :)
Thanks so much... I won't have my machine back for a few more days, but am downloading these and am keen to try them. Once I understand the principle better, I hope to make some of my own instead of using the density brush in the hair room which is hit or miss.
s pretty simple when you get the hang of it
Here's a lorzenso template exported from carrar
you just paint on the template black and white - where white is you get hair denser, or longer (so in these exam,ples you need to invert the map once you put it in the hair shader (density and lenghth)
if you gausian blur the the maps it gives a neater finish
In these examples I have added two lots of hair to Lorenzo - one for beard and one for hair
the images are labelled
hope this helps ? :)
they are rough jobs
you can see I have made a length one for the beard to make it longer in the middle
But are you doing that in a texture file vs using the density painting tool in the hair room (the two tools on top left of tool bar) for your you did for the beards above? I use that all the time, but it is hard to 'paint' on thin shins of animals, wolves or dogs as an example. On humans faces or large areas, it's not difficult, just on skinny objects. In the past I have tried to make a standalone density map b/w file using the main texture file as a template, but I was not getting a good result. I am fine doing height maps, so I have a general knowledge of how to use shades of gray for effects... but for your beards, did you just use the face texture map for that model and make the beard map using that as a template (eg doing a layer thingy in PS and then just saving the beard?)
When I open your files when I get my machine back, will I see a texture file that you have dropped into the hair shader tree that shows how you got the extremity hairs sorted? I did not see any separate files in your dropbox set, only .car files. Are they embedded some how? I am sure it's me and it will be all obvious once I can open .car files again!
Hi Silene,
But are you doing that in a texture file vs using the density painting tool in the hair room (the two tools on top left of tool bar) for your you did for the beards above? I use that all the time, but it is hard to 'paint' on thin shins of animals, wolves or dogs as an example. On humans faces or large areas, it's not difficult, just on skinny objects.
I am painting in the hair room then using the distribution shader in the hair shader to fine tine it.
As tyou know you can only select whole polys in the hair room so its is pretty inacurate on low poly models.
The shader map (The black and white one helpd you finetune it.
In the past I have tried to make a standalone density map b/w file using the main texture file as a template, but I was not getting a good result. I am fine doing height maps, so I have a general knowledge of how to use shades of gray for effects... but for your beards, did you just use the face texture map for that model and make the beard map using that as a template (eg doing a layer thingy in PS and then just saving the beard?)
Yes, the trick is to blend it a little with gausian blur so the edges of your painted map arent crisp.
When I open your files when I get my machine back, will I see a texture file that you have dropped into the hair shader tree that shows how you got the extremity hairs sorted? I did not see any separate files in your dropbox set, only .car files. Are they embedded some how? I am sure it's me and it will be all obvious once I can open .car files again!
Hi, yes you will see the texture files in the hair shader - in the density and length sections. I saved the car file with textures included - so it should work.
Yes it will be nice when you get your macine back - very frustrating to have no access.
Here is what I painted in the hair room - you can see on the right image clear hair filements that have no hairs on them - that's because of the distribution shader.
They still get little nodes and drape when you 'drape' - so try not to get too many of them (For example, don't just select the whole body in the hair room - like I did at first - t)
Here are the dog 8 distrubition maps - you can see they are pretty simple - one for density t'other for length
I just painted in a new PSD layer over the texture map in this case - which I cant post of course.
You can see for the paws I just used a simple gradient (drew a circle arround them and filled it with a black and white gradient
Normally you would do it over an exported Uv Template to get it more accurate
Thanks, Andy... I see it now. I'd never used distribution maps before, so this will be fun. I can see how useful they could be when using hair for grass areas, too! Working with Car hair is one thing I really enjoy, so look forward to this. You are right about not always painting hair on a whole area to be haired... it gets cumbersome. and often does not matter where it does not 'show'.
huh, we can use alpha masks with hair?
like if i blended noise speckles in, it could sprout hairs from the noise speckls?
yes it's pretty cool aye?