hello Carrara loads Dforce fur

I guess it is a conforming fur afterall
needs tesselation though as has no polygons just points so not sure how to solve that

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Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
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I guess it is a conforming fur afterall
needs tesselation though as has no polygons just points so not sure how to solve that
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all the vertex modeller functionality is available though if anyone knows how to add polygons to points
as thats what it is, points
I have not tried to load any dForce stuff, even in DS... but a long time ago AM had a bear https://www.daz3d.com/ursus-arctos and I was able to load it with its 'shell' that was the fur. I did not try to view it in the vertex room (can't now as I don't have my machine). It was almost like it was a 'coat' that was parented to the bear, but it had all it's own rigging, joints, etc. Sorry if explanation is not very good, but this is pre-Dforce and LAMH.
Then things went on to LAMH and then to dForce, but I do remember another animal that was like ursus arctos, maybe his old wolf, but whatever creature it was, it would just hang when loading so I gave up and when I needed my wolf family, I just haired his wolves myself with Carrara hair. A lot of work and really tricky on thin legs and paws. LAMH is better that way. This would be great if you could figure it out!
yes that is rigged fibermesh
I have a few of those in my library inc the fur for Benji for dog8 by Deepsea
dforce fur is in effect rigged fibermesh but only the curves
Poser hair exports as points too BTW and needs Hair Converter to give it volume
this needs a similar action but preserving the rigging
sadly even viewport line tesselation saves only as points
Carrara puts conform dialogues up for the furs and points follow animation in vertex room
I can see no way to turn it into polymesh in the vertex room, I ran into this issue with the NASA Milkyway Galaxy VRML too
the only way to turn points to mesh IIRC was to use Blender and that does not import the fur rigged as FBX I tried that just now,
if it had I could have even used particle hair on the points
polgon fill?
lovely teal in your ui
i thought of dforce as softbody.
mebbe the vwd on the dfur?
Wendy, Silly hair-brained idea, and can't try it or look at what you have posted as of now, but could you export it to Zbrush and then apply Zbrush's fibremesh and bring it back to Carrara with GoZ? Did I recall that you have Zbrush?
Misty, if you filled them as polygons, then where would the the hair 'root' go .... in Carrara Hair you can specify for it to be in the middle if I recall. I wonder how fibremesh behaves in polygons?
Getting out of my depth here, so will leave it to you expert ladies, I think is best.l
cannot really as would need to still rig it so better off using Carrara hair
I did try growing hair on the points but doesn't see any geometry
the points are roots, dots all over the dog
points, not lines? If lines, wonder if could use one of the vertex modeler advanced tools, such as sweep, in order to get some geometry.
great news thanks wendy :)
nah just points sadly
and sorry Headwax but pointless news you might say
s a wil there's a way - remeber philemenon managed to turn carrara hairs into mesh so magick can happen :)
Philemo meets a Philodendron
I can imagine you painting that ...