Surface selection tool?
Seems like this changed in 4.5 to 4.6 in DS....
Used to be, I could select under tools, a surface editor, that let me select squares from the surface and assign to a new surface group, which let me set things up easily for shaders. Now I can't!!
I'm using
How do I do this again? :(
It is called the Polygon Group Editor Tool
I'm afraid that doesn't help. I can't find the polygon group editing tool. It USED to be in tools dropdown, but isn't anymore. It's not in the tools settings palette, its not on the tool bar. I'm totally lost!!! :(
I have (no time to update) ...
Aha! The wonderful Kendall helped me solve it! Apparently when I reinstalled DS i had to re-register the serial code to activate the plugins again. NOW it's showing up it. It wasn't loading in DS before but now it is. WHEW!!!!
sorry had to do a bit of gardening, well I tried. :(
No worries szark! you did help me find that useful tutorial again! I just had to make my polygon tool show up again so i could use it :)
LOL Thanks I always wrongly assume everyone can see the tools and forget it can depend on the UI layout used. Oh and this might be of interest if you want to take this tool further.
sa-weet! No complaints! I love tutorials and gobble them up whenever I find them! Thanks muchly!
my pleasure belovedalia